347 search results of „uganda“
[PDF Document] WP2_19_Uganda_web.pdf (727.71 KB)
WORKING PAPER 2 2019 Uganda A role model for refugee integration Heidrun Bohnet University of Geneva Clara SchmitzPranghe BICC WORKING PAPER 2 2019 UGANDA A ROLE MODEL FOR REFUGEE INTEGRATION E BOHNET C SCHMITZPRANGHE SUMMARY Uganda hosts the largest refugee population in Africa and is after Turkey and Pakistan the thirdlargest refugee recipient country worldwide Political and humanitarian actors have widely praised Ugandan refugee policies because of their progressive nature In Ugand... -
[Publication] Uganda: A role model for refugee integration?
- Uganda: A role model for refugee integration?
- Uganda hosts the largest refugee population in Africa and is, after Turkey and Pakistan, the third-largest refugee recipient country worldwide. Political and humanitarian actors have widely praised Ugandan refugee policies because of their progressive nature: In Uganda, in contrast to many other refugee-receiving countries, these are de jure allowed to work, to establish businesses, to access public services such as education, to move freely and have access...
[Publication] Uganda: A role model for refugee integration?
- Uganda: A role model for refugee integration?
- Uganda hosts the largest refugee population in Africa and is, after Turkey and Pakistan, the third-largest refugee recipient country worldwide. Political and humanitarian actors have widely praised Ugandan refugee policies because of their progressive nature: In Uganda, in contrast to many other refugee-receiving countries, these are de jure allowed to work, to establish businesses, to access public services such as education, to move freely and have access...
[Page] Refugee Advisory Board for Germany
- Agnes Cynthia AmodingAmoding Agnes Cynthia is a legal expert from Uganda specialising in social justice advocacy refugee law and international law With a strong background in grassroots legal practice she has worked with social justice and refugee organizations in Uganda and served as a Next Generation Fellow for the UNs Our Common Agenda Initiative She has also been involved as a Young Justice Leader at NYU advocating for peoplecentered justice Passionate about social...
[Page] Refugee Advisory Board for Germany
- Agnes Cynthia AmodingAmoding Agnes Cynthia is a legal expert from Uganda specialising in social justice advocacy refugee law and international law With a strong background in grassroots legal practice she has worked with social justice and refugee organizations in Uganda and served as a Next Generation Fellow for the UNs Our Common Agenda Initiative She has also been involved as a Young Justice Leader at NYU advocating for peoplecentered justice Passionate about social...
[Page] Refugee Advisory Board for Germany
- Agnes Cynthia AmodingAmoding Agnes Cynthia is a legal expert from Uganda specialising in social justice advocacy refugee law and international law With a strong background in grassroots legal practice she has worked with social justice and refugee organizations in Uganda and served as a Next Generation Fellow for the UNs Our Common Agenda Initiative She has also been involved as a Young Justice Leader at NYU advocating for peoplecentered justice Passionate about social...
[Page] Refugee Advisory Board for Germany
- Agnes Cynthia AmodingAmoding Agnes Cynthia is a legal expert from Uganda specialising in social justice advocacy refugee law and international law With a strong background in grassroots legal practice she has worked with social justice and refugee organizations in Uganda and served as a Next Generation Fellow for the UNs Our Common Agenda Initiative She has also been involved as a Young Justice Leader at NYU advocating for peoplecentered justice Passionate about social...
[Page] Refugee Advisory Board for Germany
- Agnes Cynthia AmodingAmoding Agnes Cynthia is a legal expert from Uganda specialising in social justice advocacy refugee law and international law With a strong background in grassroots legal practice she has worked with social justice and refugee organizations in Uganda and served as a Next Generation Fellow for the UNs Our Common Agenda Initiative She has also been involved as a Young Justice Leader at NYU advocating for peoplecentered justice Passionate about social...
[Page] Refugee Advisory Board for Germany
- Agnes Cynthia AmodingAmoding Agnes Cynthia is a legal expert from Uganda specialising in social justice advocacy refugee law and international law With a strong background in grassroots legal practice she has worked with social justice and refugee organizations in Uganda and served as a Next Generation Fellow for the UNs Our Common Agenda Initiative She has also been involved as a Young Justice Leader at NYU advocating for peoplecentered justice Passionate about social...
[Page] Refugee Advisory Board for Germany
- Agnes Cynthia AmodingAmoding Agnes Cynthia is a legal expert from Uganda specialising in social justice advocacy refugee law and international law With a strong background in grassroots legal practice she has worked with social justice and refugee organizations in Uganda and served as a Next Generation Fellow for the UNs Our Common Agenda Initiative She has also been involved as a Young Justice Leader at NYU advocating for peoplecentered justice Passionate about social...
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