220 search results of „eritrea“
[PDF Document] SALW_Guide_2021_Edition.pdf (45.27 MB)
Bundeswehr Verification Center Small Arms Light Weapons Guide 2021 With financial support from the German Federal Foreign Office Introduction Illicit Small Arms Light Weapons SALW and their ammunition pose a serious global threat to the security of individuals communities and nation states This SALW Identification Guide provides specialized agencies security forces and actors involved in regulating illegal trafficking of weapons and ammunition with access to critical information in a compact us... -
[PDF Document] paper37.pdf (355.94 KB)
paper 37 Rejuvenating or Restraining Civil War The Role of External Actors in the War Economies of Sudan Rejuvenating or Restraining Civil War The role of external actors in the war economies of Sudan by Scott Lewis Published by BICC Bonn 2004 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde Rejuvenating or Restraining Civil War Acknowledgements This research pap... -
[PDF Document] paper29.pdf (197.32 KB)
paper 29 Tackling Small Arms in Central Africa Tackling Small Arms in Central Africa by Lucien Mufor Atanga Published by BICC Bonn 2003 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde Table of Contents Table of Contents Acknowledgements 4 1 Introduction 5 11 Background and Problem 5 12 Scope 11 13 Objective 12 14 Research PropositionsQuestions 12 15 ... -
[PDF Document] paper53.pdf (260.79 KB)
BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN paper 53 Analyse und Empfehlungen zur internationalen Erfassung von sicherheitsrelevanten Ausgaben innerhalb und außerhalb der öffentlichen Entwicklungshilfe ODA ODAAnalyse zu sicherheitsrelevanten Ausgaben Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Zusammenfassung 2 2 Problemstellung 4 3 Öffentliche Entwicklungshilfe ODA 6 31 Historische Hintergründe 32 Philosophie und Definitionen des DAC Berichtssystems 321 Grundlegende... -
[PDF Document] paper53_e.pdf (645.55 KB)
BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN paper 53 Analysis of and recommendations for covering security relevant expenditures within and outside of official development assistance ODA ODA analysis on securityrelevant expenditures Table of contents 1 Executive Summary 2 2 The Problem 4 3 Official Development Assistance ODA 6 31 32 Historical background Categories of the DAC reporting system and the philosophy behind it Common elements of the ... -
[PDF Document] 20240814_bicc-report_Wulf-online (1).pdf (6.13 MB)
report bicc report report Herbert Wulf Herbert Wulf IndoChinese IndoChinese Relations Relations On On aa Collision Collision Course Course The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them The research findings show that peace activities can be controversial or too politically sensitive to be implemented at all bicc report 71 By ... -
[PDF Document] 20240816_bicc-report_Wulf-online.pdf (5.59 MB)
report bicc report report Herbert Wulf Herbert Wulf IndoChinese IndoChinese Relations Relations On On aa Collision Collision Course Course The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them The research findings show that peace activities can be controversial or too politically sensitive to be implemented at all bicc report 71 By ... -
[PDF Document] 20240816_bicc-report_Wulf-online_1.pdf (6.14 MB)
report bicc report report Herbert Wulf Herbert Wulf IndoChinese IndoChinese Relations Relations On On aa Collision Collision Course Course The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them The research findings show that peace activities can be controversial or too politically sensitive to be implemented at all bicc report 71 By ... -
[PDF Document] 20240822_bicc-report_Wulf-online.pdf (5.6 MB)
report bicc report report Herbert Wulf Herbert Wulf IndoChinese IndoChinese Relations Relations On On aa Collision Collision Course Course The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them The research findings show that peace activities can be controversial or too politically sensitive to be implemented at all bicc report 71 By ... -
[PDF Document] Report_BosniaHerzigovina_2002.pdf (1.37 MB)
REPORT Small arms and security in South Eastern Europe B O N N I N T E R N AT I O N A L C E N T E R FOR CONVERSION An unprecedented experiment Security sector reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina Jeremy King A Walter Dorn and Matthew Hodes September 2002 An unprecedented experiment Security sector reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina Jeremy King United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina and A Walter Dorn Royal Military College of Canada with assistance from Matthew Hodes Carter Center SAF...
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