
347 search results of „uganda“

  • [PDF Document] How_can_the_HDP_work_from_the_bottom-up.pdf   (3.84 MB)

    report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 6 The research ...
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  • [PDF Document] How_can_the_HDP_work_from_the_bottom-up.pdf   (3.84 MB)

    report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 6 The research ...
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  • [PDF Document] How_can_the_HDP_work_from_the_bottom-up.pdf   (4.17 MB)

    report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 11 The research...
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  • [PDF Document] brief43.pdf   (4.63 MB)

    brief 43 Towards a Typology of Wartime Rape Contents List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 4 Executive Summary 5 Acknowledgments 5 Introduction 7 1 Methodology 9 Phase I Creating a typology 10 Phase II Refining the Typology 12 2 Review of Scholarly Literature on Rape and War 15 The prevalence of wartime rape 16 Explanations of wartime rape The meaning of wartime rape Factors that contribute to wartime rape The functions of wartime rape 17 17 18 19 Consequences of wartime rape ...
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  • [PDF Document] Reintregration_Strategies_for_XCs_TRAINEE.pdf   (1.31 MB)

    Reintegration Strategies for ExCombatants Former combatants learning basic farming skills in Liberia Africa Renewal United Nations httpwwwunorgecosocdev geninfoafrecvol19no3193combatanthtml module RSC 06B02 Reintegration Strategies for ExCombatants Written by Irma Specht Transition International Micha Hollestelle and the TRESA team module RSC 06B02 TRESA modules are produced by the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC under a special grant from the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftl...
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  • [PDF Document] paper21.pdf   (576.49 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN paper 21 Voice and accountability in the security sector July 2002 BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN Voice and accountability in the security sector Report prepared for Human Development Report Office By Nicole Ball and Michael Brzoska with Kees Kingma and Herbert Wulf Published by BICC Bonn 2002 Voice and accountability in the security sector Contents I II...
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  • [PDF Document] working_paper_0315.pdf   (1.85 MB)

    WORKING PAPER 3 2015 Protected Rather Than Protracted Strengthening Displaced Persons in Peace Processes A Stateoftheart Paper Heidrun Bohnet BICC Katja Mielke BICC Markus Rudolf BICC Conrad Schetter BICC Ruth Vollmer BICC WORKING PAPER 3 2015 PROTECTED RATHER THAN PROTRACTED EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Paper reviews the current state of the art on the return of displaced persons as a durable solution for longterm displacement situations It outlines the impact challenges and actors inv...
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  • [PDF Document] WP_3_2019_Refugee_Shelters_01.pdf   (1.29 MB)

    3 2019 WORKING PAPER All Day Waiting Causes of conflict in refugee shelters in Germany Simone Christ BICC Esther Meininghaus BICC Tim Röing BICC Gefördert durch WORKING PAPER 3 2019 CAUSES OF CONFLICT IN REFUGEE SHELTERS IN GERMANY SIMONE CHRIST ESTHER MEININGHAUS TIM RÖING SUMMARY This Working Paper argues that conflicts in refugee shelters in Germany can largely be attributed to structural causes These include the asylum regime the interplay between the physical layout and socia...
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  • [PDF Document] brief36.pdf   (2.82 MB)

    brief 36 The SecurityMigration Nexus Published by BICC Bonn International Center for Conversion Internationales Konversionszentrum Bonn GmbH An der Elisabethkirche 25 53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911 960 Fax 4922824 12 15 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde ISSN 09477322 Director Peter J Croll Editors Jerry Sommer Andrea Warnecke Copy editing Heike Webb Joe Farha Support Joe Farha Clara Fischer Zac Hall Susanne Heinke Helen Radeke Manisha Samal Ruth Vollmer Layout Katharina Moraht Photos D...
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  • [PDF Document] festschrift_croll_01.pdf   (1.95 MB)

    Farewell to Peter J Croll 3 Contents Word of welcome 4 He has literally put BICC on the world map 5 Synchronicity exists between our two international organizations 6 For the State of North RhineWestphalia BICC is a good investment 8 Providing expertise on conversion and peace research successfully raising awareness at the local level 10 Conversion means cooperation on a level playing field 12 It is BICCs duty to stay professional on issues of disarmament and conversion and to be ...
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