360 search results of „liberia“
[PDF Document] bicc_jahresbericht_2005_2006_01.pdf (683.48 KB)
JAHRESBERICHT 20052006 2 Mitarbeit am Jahresbericht 20052006 Projektleitung Susanne Heinke Autoren Dr Volker Böge Marc von Boemcken Julie Brethfeld Dr Michael Brzoska Peter J Croll Michael Dedek Susanne Heinke Willem Jaspers Dr Hartmut Küchle Tobias Pietz Lars Wirkus Lektorat Susanne Heinke Elvan Isikozlu Übersetzungen Lynn Benstead englisch Brigitte Steinmetz deutsch Layout und Publikationsmanagement Svenja Bends Bildbearbeitung Christian Kraft Sonstige Mitarbeit Anja Chichowitz ... -
[PDF Document] sicherheitssektor.pdf (469.99 KB)
Abteilung 43 Gesundheit Bildung Ernährung Nothilfe Reform des Sicherheitssektors in Entwicklungsländern Eine Analyse der internationalen Diskussion und Implementierungsmöglichkeiten der Reform mit Empfehlungen für die Technische Zusammenarbeit Eschborn 2000 Herausgeber Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GTZ GmbH Postfach 5180 D65726 Eschborn Internet httpwwwgtzde Verantwortlich Bernd Hoffmann GTZ Inhaltliche Ausarbeitung Dr Herbert Wulf Bonn International Center for Conv... -
[PDF Document] focus_7_china.pdf (199.78 KB)
BICC FOCUS Yellow Imperialism or successful wealth creation formula How the trade in natural resources is changing ChineseAfrican relations By Peter J Croll Andreas Lebzien and WolfChristian Paes C hinas influence on the African continent has grown significantly in the past decade More than 40 African heads of states attended the last ChinaAfrica summit in Beijing in November 2006 a significantly larger attendance than similar meetings between African leaders and the European Union The Beijing s... -
[PDF Document] paper10.pdf (159.32 KB)
paper 10 Retrenchment programs in SubSaharan Africa Lessons for demobilization Moses Kiggundu July 1997 BICC AN DER ELISABETHKIRCHE 25 53113 BONN GERMANY PHONE 492289 11 960 FAX 4922824 12 15 I INTRODUCTION Retrenchment is a byproduct of public sector reform which in turn is a direct response to some of the early implementation problems of structural adjustment programs SAP It has received much less attention than public sector reform PSR as donors policy makers and researchers have tend... -
[PDF Document] 141209_GMI_DEU.pdf (4.86 MB)
GlobalER MilitariSIERUNGSIndex 2014 Jan Grebe BICC GLOBALer MILITARISierungsINDEX 2014 jan grebe ZUsammenfassung Der Globale Militarisierungsindex des BICC bildet alljährlich das relative Gewicht und die Bedeutung des Militärapparats von Staaten im jeweiligen Verhältnis zur Gesellschaft als Ganzes ab Das vorliegende Update des GMI 2014 basiert auf Daten des Jahres 2013 d h den aktuellsten vorliegenden Zahlen und umfasst 152 Staaten Der GMI des BICC wird durch das Bundesministerium für Wirts... -
[PDF Document] 141209_GMI_ENG.pdf (4.85 MB)
Global MilitariSation Index 2014 Jan Grebe BICC GLOBAL MILITARISATION INDEX 2014 jan grebe Summary The Global Militarisation Index gmi depicts the relative weight and importance of the military apparatus of one state in relation to its society as a whole The update of the GMI 2014 is based on data from the year 2013 i e the most recent year for which data has been available and comprises 152 states BICCs GMI is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Developmen... -
[PDF Document] focus_7_china.pdf (199.78 KB)
BICC FOCUS Yellow Imperialism or successful wealth creation formula How the trade in natural resources is changing ChineseAfrican relations By Peter J Croll Andreas Lebzien and WolfChristian Paes C hinas influence on the African continent has grown significantly in the past decade More than 40 African heads of states attended the last ChinaAfrica summit in Beijing in November 2006 a significantly larger attendance than similar meetings between African leaders and the European Union The Beijing s... -
[PDF Document] paper10.pdf (159.32 KB)
paper 10 Retrenchment programs in SubSaharan Africa Lessons for demobilization Moses Kiggundu July 1997 BICC AN DER ELISABETHKIRCHE 25 53113 BONN GERMANY PHONE 492289 11 960 FAX 4922824 12 15 I INTRODUCTION Retrenchment is a byproduct of public sector reform which in turn is a direct response to some of the early implementation problems of structural adjustment programs SAP It has received much less attention than public sector reform PSR as donors policy makers and researchers have tend... -
[PDF Document] brief4.pdf (267.36 KB)
brief 4 Demobilization in the Horn of A frica Africa Proceedings of the IRG W orkshop Workshop Addis Ababa 47 December 1994 june 95 brief 4 Contents Zusammenfassung German Summary 4 Summary 6 Lessons Learned 7 Introduction 9 Background 10 Demobilization in Africa 10 Demobilization in the Horn of Africa 12 The W orkshop Workshop About the A uthors Authors Kees Kingma is researcher and project leader of demobilization projects at the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC... -
[PDF Document] brief4.pdf (267.36 KB)
brief 4 Demobilization in the Horn of A frica Africa Proceedings of the IRG W orkshop Workshop Addis Ababa 47 December 1994 june 95 brief 4 Contents Zusammenfassung German Summary 4 Summary 6 Lessons Learned 7 Introduction 9 Background 10 Demobilization in Africa 10 Demobilization in the Horn of Africa 12 The W orkshop Workshop About the A uthors Authors Kees Kingma is researcher and project leader of demobilization projects at the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC...
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