135 search results of „senegal“
[PDF Document] brief44.pdf (5.13 MB)
brief 44 Migration Integration Entwicklung Afrikanische Migrantenorganisationen in NRW 1 Inhalt Zusammenfassung 4 Danksagung 4 Einleitung 7 1 Konzeptionelle Annäherung Schnittstellen von Migration Integration und Entwicklung 12 11 Migrantenorganisationen und Integration 13 Die Integrationsdebatte im deutschen Kontext 14 Die zivilgesellschaftliche Bedeutung von Migrantenorganisationen 15 12 Migrantinnen und Migranten als Entwicklungsakteure Migration und Entwicklung aus transnational... -
[PDF Document] WP_1_22_Return_and_Remigration_neu.pdf (853.13 KB)
WORKING PAPER 1 2022 Talking at CrossPurposes On Ambiguous Relationships between International Policies on Return and Reintegration and their Local Conceptualisations in Ghana the Gambia and Senegal Markus Rudolf BICC Contributors Doudou Dieye Gueye Richard Boateng Ester Serrat Mingot Harriet OseiBoakye Baye Yoro Diedhiou Malang Dampha Fatou Sarr Sonko Mouhamed Ansou Banora Karfa Traore Philip Sabah Mina Pokuaa Agyemang Tsawodzi Etornam WORKING PAPER 1 2022 TALKING AT CROSSPURPOSES MA... -
[Press] New Publication \ Preparation and Networks are Key for Returning Migrants: Findings based on Four Years of Research at BICC on Returnees' Reintegration Trajectories
- Migrant receiving countries in Europe have set up assistance programmes to facilitate the return and reintegration of rejected asylum-seekers, migrants with no legal status or those wanting to return. The question is: Do assistance programmes actually do so, and how do reintegration trajectories take shape from the perspectives of the returnees themselves? These were key questions in the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)-funded research project ‘Trajectories o...
- Friday, 31 March 2023: Results of the comprehensive empirical research are synthesised in BICC’s latest report: The Role of Return Preparedness, Assistance and Networks in Returnees’ Reintegration in Origin Countries (Synthesis Report).This report summarises the findings of four case studies conducted in the Western Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, Albania, Kosovo), West Africa (Ghana, Senegal and the Gambia) and the Middle East (Iraq). With the support of local researchers, the BICC team condu...
[Publication] Talking at Cross-Purposes? On Ambigous Relationships between International Policies on Return and Reintegration and their loc...
- Talking at Cross-Purposes? On Ambigous Relationships between International Policies on Return and Reintegration and their local Conceptualisations in Ghana, the Gambia and Senegal
[Publication] Talking at Cross-Purposes? On Ambigous Relationships between International Policies on Return and Reintegration and their loc...
- Talking at Cross-Purposes? On Ambigous Relationships between International Policies on Return and Reintegration and their local Conceptualisations in Ghana, the Gambia and Senegal
[Project] Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM) Capacity Development and Technical Advice in West Africa
- With this project, BICC continues capacity development activities on PSSM in two focus countries of the enhancement initiative of the German federal government (Ertüchtigungsinitiative der Bundesregierung): Nigeria and Mali. It complements the PSSM Capacity Building and Advisory project, which is currently undertaken by BICC with the African Union and the Regional Centre on Small Arms (RECSA). BICC has supported PSSM capacity development activities in the ECOWAS region since 2014 when a PSSM ass...
[Project] Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM) Capacity Development and Technical Advice in West Africa
- With this project, BICC continues capacity development activities on PSSM in two focus countries of the enhancement initiative of the German federal government (Ertüchtigungsinitiative der Bundesregierung): Nigeria and Mali. It complements the PSSM Capacity Building and Advisory project, which is currently undertaken by BICC with the African Union and the Regional Centre on Small Arms (RECSA). BICC has supported PSSM capacity development activities in the ECOWAS region since 2014 when a PSSM ass...
[Project] Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM) Capacity Development and Technical Advice in West Africa
- With this project, BICC continues capacity development activities on PSSM in two focus countries of the enhancement initiative of the German federal government (Ertüchtigungsinitiative der Bundesregierung): Nigeria and Mali. It complements the PSSM Capacity Building and Advisory project, which is currently undertaken by BICC with the African Union and the Regional Centre on Small Arms (RECSA). BICC has supported PSSM capacity development activities in the ECOWAS region since 2014 when a PSSM ass...
- ahinMencütek Z Mielke K SchmitzPranghe C & Vollmer R 2023 When Returning Home Feels Like Hell IPS Journal Mielke K ahinMencütek Z SchmitzPranghe C & Vollmer R 2023 Zurück zu Hause oder zurück in der Hölle FriedrichEbertStiftungFakhoury T & ahinMencütek Z 2023 The Geopolitics of Return Migration in the International SystemSpecial Issue of Geopolitics 120ahinMencütek Z 2023 The Role of Return Preparedness Assistance and Networks in Returnees Reintegration in Origin Countries Synthesis Report Bonn...
- ahinMencütek Z Mielke K SchmitzPranghe C & Vollmer R 2023 When Returning Home Feels Like Hell IPS Journal Mielke K ahinMencütek Z SchmitzPranghe C & Vollmer R 2023 Zurück zu Hause oder zurück in der Hölle FriedrichEbertStiftungFakhoury T & ahinMencütek Z 2023 The Geopolitics of Return Migration in the International SystemSpecial Issue of Geopolitics 120ahinMencütek Z 2023 The Role of Return Preparedness Assistance and Networks in Returnees Reintegration in Origin Countries Synthesis Report Bonn...
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