
357 search results of „liberia“

  • [PDF Document] BICC_brief_02.pdf   (7.16 MB)

    brief 47 MANPADS A Terrorist Threat to Civilian Aviation Contents List of acronyms 4 Executive summary 6 Acknowledgments 7 Introduction 8 1 MANPADS attacks on civilian aircraft 10 Princess Mawuena Amuzu Introduction MANPADS and the vulnerability of civilian aircraft 11 11 History 11 Discussion 19 Weapon and perpetrators 19 NSAGs and MANPADS 19 Aircraft vulnerability and outcome 20 Phase of flight 22 Attack location and civilian targets 22 Effects of civilian attacks by M...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_annualreport_2013_en.pdf   (3.44 MB)

    JAHRESBERICHT 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 U1U4BICCJahresbericht2013indd 1 111113 0953 Contents Preface 4 Foreword 5 Editorial Military interventions of the future 7 Global militarization Rearmament in the Middle East and Asia 10 Project reports Innovative aspects of small arms control 14 Improving the management of arms and ammunition in South Sudan 16 New approaches to small arms control in Sudan 17 Where are the chemical weapons 18 Barracks converted to civilian useBest practic...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_Jahresbericht_2013_dt.pdf   (3.46 MB)

    JAHRESBERICHT 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 U1U4BICCJahresbericht2013indd 1 111113 0953 Inhalt Geleitwort 4 Vorwort 5 Editorial Militärische Interventionen der Zukunft 7 Globale Militarisierung Aufrüstung im Nahen und Mittleren Osten sowie in Asien 10 Projektberichte Innovative Aspekte der Kleinwaffenkontrolle 14 Verbesserung des Waffen und Munitionsmanagement im Südsudan 16 Neue Ansätze zur Kleinwaffenkontrolle im Sudan 17 Wo liegen die Chemiewaffen 18 Eine Kaserne wird zivil Bes...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_Knowledge_Note_1_2021.pdf   (5.63 MB)

    KNOWLEDGE NOTES 12021 Addressing illicit trafficking through a crime convergence lens Towards a model for crossborder cooperation in Africa Johanna Kleffmann BICC TOWARDS A MODEL FOR CROSSBORDER COOPERATION IN AFRICA JOHANNA KLEFFMANN SUMMARY Scholars and practitioners alike have found illicit crossborder flowsfrom drugs to wildlife and weaponsto converge and reinforce each other while often being embedded in large transnational criminal networks However practitioners still lack the tool...
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  • [PDF Document] SALW_Guide_2021_Edition.pdf   (45.27 MB)

    Bundeswehr Verification Center Small Arms Light Weapons Guide 2021 With financial support from the German Federal Foreign Office Introduction Illicit Small Arms Light Weapons SALW and their ammunition pose a serious global threat to the security of individuals communities and nation states This SALW Identification Guide provides specialized agencies security forces and actors involved in regulating illegal trafficking of weapons and ammunition with access to critical information in a compact us...
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  • [PDF Document] paper53.pdf   (260.79 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN paper 53 Analyse und Empfehlungen zur internationalen Erfassung von sicherheitsrelevanten Ausgaben innerhalb und außerhalb der öffentlichen Entwicklungshilfe ODA ODAAnalyse zu sicherheitsrelevanten Ausgaben Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Zusammenfassung 2 2 Problemstellung 4 3 Öffentliche Entwicklungshilfe ODA 6 31 Historische Hintergründe 32 Philosophie und Definitionen des DAC Berichtssystems 321 Grundlegende...
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  • [PDF Document] paper53_e.pdf   (645.55 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN paper 53 Analysis of and recommendations for covering security relevant expenditures within and outside of official development assistance ODA ODA analysis on securityrelevant expenditures Table of contents 1 Executive Summary 2 2 The Problem 4 3 Official Development Assistance ODA 6 31 32 Historical background Categories of the DAC reporting system and the philosophy behind it Common elements of the ...
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  • [PDF Document] occasional_paper_IV_11_09.pdf   (303.58 KB)

    Occasional Paper IV The Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan Role model for civilmilitary relations Peter Runge Senior Program Officer for Development Policy and Humanitarian Aid Association of German Development NGOs VENRO October 2009 The responsibility for contents and views expressed in this Occasional Paper lies entirely with the author INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION BICC GMBH Geschäftsführer Peter J Croll Aufsichtsratsvorsitzen...
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  • [PDF Document] brief41_fr.pdf   (3.46 MB)

    brief 41 On nous a promis développement la misère est tout ce que nous avons Limpact du pétrole sur les dynamiques de conflit au Tchad Table des matières Liste des acronymes et abréviations 4 Résumé exécutif 7 Remerciements 7 Introduction 8 1 Le contexte du conflit 11 11 Lhistoire des conflits au Tchad 12 12 Le contexte actuel du conflit 12 13 Tentatives de paix 19 2 Gestion des richesses pétrolières 21 21 Impact de la richesse en ressources sur des États fragiles 22 22 ...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_Brief_49.pdf   (7.67 MB)

    brief 49 Smart Technology in SALW Control Civilian Protection the UNPoA and Transfer Control SmartCon Contents Introduction 4 Acknowledgments 7 4 Political and legislative dimensions of smart weapon technology Opportunities concerns and the need for parliamentary action Christer Winbäck 53 Incorporating SWT into international frameworks and standards Patrick Mc Carthy 58 Afterwords Michael Ashkenazi and Wolfgang Bindseil 64 Acronyms and abbreviations 66 Technical and economic aspe...
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