
564 search results of „chad“

  • [PDF Document] SAD-Nexus-Paper_2021_BICC.pdf   (955.59 KB)

    SECURITYARMAMENTDEVELOPMENT Nexus Paper 2021 Todays solution tomorrows problem An analysis of West African practices in the use of progovernment militias Fiona Wilshusen BICC Yet another nexus Introduction to the SADNexus Papers Since 2002 BICC Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies has provided information to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ on German arms exports and the security as well as developmental state of potential recipient countries ...
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  • [Project] Support and capacity-building in stockpile management of SALW, ammunition and surplus weapons in the Republic of South Sudan

    • South Sudan became a sovereign state last year. Recent months have shown just how fragile progress towards development and peace actually is. The high proliferation of small arms and light weapons is also a problematic legacy of the former civil war. BICC is conducting a project financed by the German Foreign Office to support the Bureau for Community Security and Small Arms Control (CSSAC) at the South Sudan Ministry of the Interior. The aim is to help improve the storage of weapons and ammunit...
  • [Project] Development of social requirements for concentrated solar power (CSP) plants in the MENA region

    • Solar thermal power plants in North Africa have the potential to satisfy the growing demand for energy. But these innovations come at a price—for example, in the form of the redistribution of resources such as land and water. BICC is studying the potential for conflict and socio-economic consequences of solar thermal power plants in Morocco and Egypt in a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
  • [Project] Support and capacity-building in stockpile management of SALW, ammunition and surplus weapons in the Republic of South Sudan

    • South Sudan became a sovereign state last year. Recent months have shown just how fragile progress towards development and peace actually is. The high proliferation of small arms and light weapons is also a problematic legacy of the former civil war. BICC is conducting a project financed by the German Foreign Office to support the Bureau for Community Security and Small Arms Control (CSSAC) at the South Sudan Ministry of the Interior. The aim is to help improve the storage of weapons and ammunit...
  • [Project] Development of social requirements for concentrated solar power (CSP) plants in the MENA region

    • Solar thermal power plants in North Africa have the potential to satisfy the growing demand for energy. But these innovations come at a price—for example, in the form of the redistribution of resources such as land and water. BICC is studying the potential for conflict and socio-economic consequences of solar thermal power plants in Morocco and Egypt in a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
  • [Project] Development of social requirements for concentrated solar power (CSP) plants in the MENA region

    • Solar thermal power plants in North Africa have the potential to satisfy the growing demand for energy. But these innovations come at a price—for example, in the form of the redistribution of resources such as land and water. BICC is studying the potential for conflict and socio-economic consequences of solar thermal power plants in Morocco and Egypt in a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
  • [Project] Support and capacity-building in stockpile management of SALW, ammunition and surplus weapons in the Republic of South Sudan

    • South Sudan became a sovereign state last year. Recent months have shown just how fragile progress towards development and peace actually is. The high proliferation of small arms and light weapons is also a problematic legacy of the former civil war. BICC is conducting a project financed by the German Foreign Office to support the Bureau for Community Security and Small Arms Control (CSSAC) at the South Sudan Ministry of the Interior. The aim is to help improve the storage of weapons and ammunit...
  • [PDF Document] CoRE_KurzGutachten7_Religion_u_Macht_231016_web.pdf   ()

    K U R Z G U TA C H T E N 7 Netzwerk für Extremismusforschung in NordrheinWestfalen RELIGION UND MACHT Zum extremistischen Potenzial des christlichen Fundamentalismus Dr Jobst Paul Im Auftrag von RELIGION UND MACHT ZUM EXTREMISTISCHEN POTENZIAL DES CHRISTLICHEN FUNDAMENTALISMUS DR JOBST PAUL ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Im Rahmen des vorliegenden Gutachtens werden streiflichtartig die Fülle und Variabilität von christlichfundamentalistischen Organisationen Bewegungen und Gruppierungen umrissen die dari...
  • [PDF Document] CoRE_KurzGutachten7_Religion_u_Macht_231016_web_KORREKTUR.pdf   ()

    K U R Z G U TA C H T E N 7 Netzwerk für Extremismusforschung in NordrheinWestfalen RELIGION UND MACHT Zum extremistischen Potenzial des christlichen Fundamentalismus Dr Jobst Paul Im Auftrag von RELIGION UND MACHT ZUM EXTREMISTISCHEN POTENZIAL DES CHRISTLICHEN FUNDAMENTALISMUS DR JOBST PAUL ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Im Rahmen des vorliegenden Gutachtens werden streiflichtartig die Fülle und Variabilität von christlichfundamentalistischen Organisationen Bewegungen und Gruppierungen umrissen die dari...
  • [PDF Document] CoRE_KurzGutachten7_Religion_u_Macht_aktualisiert April 2024.pdf   (1.35 MB)

    K U R Z G U TA C H T E N 7 Netzwerk für Extremismusforschung in NordrheinWestfalen RELIGION UND MACHT Zum extremistischen Potenzial des christlichen Fundamentalismus Dr Jobst Paul Im Auftrag von RELIGION UND MACHT ZUM EXTREMISTISCHEN POTENZIAL DES CHRISTLICHEN FUNDAMENTALISMUS DR JOBST PAUL ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Im Rahmen des vorliegenden Gutachtens werden streiflichtartig die Fülle und Variabilität von christlichfundamentalistischen Organisationen Bewegungen und Gruppierungen umrissen die dari...
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