
186 search results of „burundi“

  • [PDF Document] Youth_and_SALW_TRAINEE.pdf   (1.35 MB)

    Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW UNICEF module YSA 06B02 My dear young people I see the light in your eyes the energy of your bodies and the hope that is in your spirit I know it is you not I who will make the future It is you not I who will fix our wrongs and carry forward all that is right in the world Nelson Mandela former President of South Africa Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW written by Irma Specht Transition International and the TRESA team module YSA 06B02...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_Brief_49.pdf   (7.67 MB)

    brief 49 Smart Technology in SALW Control Civilian Protection the UNPoA and Transfer Control SmartCon Contents Introduction 4 Acknowledgments 7 4 Political and legislative dimensions of smart weapon technology Opportunities concerns and the need for parliamentary action Christer Winbäck 53 Incorporating SWT into international frameworks and standards Patrick Mc Carthy 58 Afterwords Michael Ashkenazi and Wolfgang Bindseil 64 Acronyms and abbreviations 66 Technical and economic aspe...
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  • [PDF Document] brief32.pdf   (2.54 MB)

    brief 32 Whos Minding the Store The Business of Private Public and Civil Actors in Zones of Conflict brief 32 Contents Preface 4 Zusammenfassung German summary 5 Summary 7 Private Business and Conflict An Overview of Issues and Problems 9 Introduction Focus on multinational enterprises and the extractive industries sector Extractive industries and conflict The role of business preconflict in conflict and postconflict Towards conflictsensitive business practices Regulatory Frameworks for...
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  • [PDF Document] Youth_and_SALW_TRAINER.pdf   (1.75 MB)

    Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW UNICEF module YSA 06A02 My dear young people I see the light in your eyes the energy of your bodies and the hope that is in your spirit I know it is you not I who will make the future It is you not I who will fix our wrongs and carry forward all that is right in the world Nelson Mandela former President of South Africa Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW written by Irma Specht Transition International and the TRESA team module YSA 06A02...
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  • [PDF Document] brief30.pdf   (3.33 MB)

    brief 30 Promoting Security But How and For Whom Contributions to BICCs Tenyear Anniversary Conference brief 30 Contents Introduction and Summary 4 The Toolbox for Security Theodor H Winkler 51 Vorwort und Zusammenfassung 6 52 Opening Panel 10 Years of BICCThe Past and the Future 8 The Need for an Integrated Security Concept Tobias Debiel 10 Years of BICCThe Past and the Future Hartmut Krebs 10 10 Years of Conversion The Main Achievements Michael Brzoska 13 10 Years of BICCA Crit...
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  • [PDF Document] brief30.pdf   (3.33 MB)

    brief 30 Promoting Security But How and For Whom Contributions to BICCs Tenyear Anniversary Conference brief 30 Contents Introduction and Summary 4 The Toolbox for Security Theodor H Winkler 51 Vorwort und Zusammenfassung 6 52 Opening Panel 10 Years of BICCThe Past and the Future 8 The Need for an Integrated Security Concept Tobias Debiel 10 Years of BICCThe Past and the Future Hartmut Krebs 10 10 Years of Conversion The Main Achievements Michael Brzoska 13 10 Years of BICCA Crit...
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