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[PDF Document] BICC_Jahresbericht_2013_dt.pdf (3.46 MB)
JAHRESBERICHT 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 U1U4BICCJahresbericht2013indd 1 111113 0953 Inhalt Geleitwort 4 Vorwort 5 Editorial Militärische Interventionen der Zukunft 7 Globale Militarisierung Aufrüstung im Nahen und Mittleren Osten sowie in Asien 10 Projektberichte Innovative Aspekte der Kleinwaffenkontrolle 14 Verbesserung des Waffen und Munitionsmanagement im Südsudan 16 Neue Ansätze zur Kleinwaffenkontrolle im Sudan 17 Wo liegen die Chemiewaffen 18 Eine Kaserne wird zivil Bes... -
[Project] Digging for Peace: Private companies and emerging economies in zones of conflict. International Fatal Transactions conference 2008
- BICC in association with the European Fatal Transactions network , held the international conference “Digging for Peace: Private companies and emerging economies in conflict zones” at the Deutsche Welle in Bonn on 21 and 22 November 2008. Representatives of civil society, companies and politics discussed the role of private companies in conflict zones.
[Project] Digging for Peace: Private companies and emerging economies in zones of conflict. International Fatal Transactions conference 2008
- BICC in association with the European Fatal Transactions network , held the international conference “Digging for Peace: Private companies and emerging economies in conflict zones” at the Deutsche Welle in Bonn on 21 and 22 November 2008. Representatives of civil society, companies and politics discussed the role of private companies in conflict zones.
[Project] Digging for Peace: Private companies and emerging economies in zones of conflict. International Fatal Transactions conference 2008
- BICC in association with the European Fatal Transactions network , held the international conference “Digging for Peace: Private companies and emerging economies in conflict zones” at the Deutsche Welle in Bonn on 21 and 22 November 2008. Representatives of civil society, companies and politics discussed the role of private companies in conflict zones.
[Project] Global Militarization Index (GMI)
- The Global Militarization Index (GMI) not only depicts levels of global militarization but also documents the development since 1990. The GMI is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). This year’s GMI shows, once more, that the Middle East is the highest militarized region in the world.
[Project] Global Militarization Index (GMI)
- The Global Militarization Index (GMI) not only depicts levels of global militarization but also documents the development since 1990. The GMI is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). This year’s GMI shows, once more, that the Middle East is the highest militarized region in the world.
[Project] Global Militarization Index (GMI)
- The Global Militarization Index (GMI) not only depicts levels of global militarization but also documents the development since 1990. The GMI is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). This year’s GMI shows, once more, that the Middle East is the highest militarized region in the world.
[Project] Wartime Rape and Post-Conflict Research Project
- Rape in war is not a homogeneous phenomenon. There are many reasons why this form of violence is used — against both women and men. BICC was studying various aspects of war rape in order to identify different “types” of rape. This research project, which was funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), aimed to contribute to a better understanding of this form of violence employed in war and the diverse consequences long after the war has ended. A typology of wa...
[Project] GMF transatlantic study team on climate-induced migration
- The development of scenarios and models pertaining to the ecological and socio-economic effects of climate change on particularly affected regions of the world is increasingly taken up by international research. The German Marshall Fund of the United States, within the framework of its Immigration & Integration Program 2009/10, had initiated the formation of a Transatlantic Study Team on climate-induced migration to improve networking both between policymakers and researchers and the exchang...
[Project] Wartime Rape and Post-Conflict Research Project
- Rape in war is not a homogeneous phenomenon. There are many reasons why this form of violence is used — against both women and men. BICC was studying various aspects of war rape in order to identify different “types” of rape. This research project, which was funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), aimed to contribute to a better understanding of this form of violence employed in war and the diverse consequences long after the war has ended. A typology of wa...
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