
220 search results of „eritrea“

  • [PDF Document] final_report_aah-i_ipcs_bicc.pdf   (386.76 KB)

    Final Report SERVICES RETURN AND SECURITY IN FOUR COUNTIES IN SOUTHERN SUDAN A SURVEY COMMISSIONED BY AAHI AND IPCS AND CONDUCTED BY BICC This report was researched and compiled at the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC Authors Michael Ashkenazi Joe Farha Elvan Isikozlu Helen Radeke and Philip Rush EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BICC was commissioned to undertake a study on issues relating to Return and Reintegration RR of actors displaced by the fighting in Sudan and to provide actionoriented ...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_Annual_Report_2014_02.pdf   (1.5 MB)

    Annual report Jahresbericht 2014 A nnual report Jahresbericht 2014 ENGSundried tomatoes being sold at the market in Bir Saliba on the ChadianSudanese border The market serves as a hub for producers in the region The cooperation of Chadian and Sudanese security forces has created conditions of security that allowed the revival of this market deUFrauen verkaufen getrocknete Tomaten auf dem Markt in Bir Saliba an der Grenze zwischen Tschad und Sudan Diese Märkte sind Drehkreuze für regionale ...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_Annual_Report_2014_03.pdf   (1.5 MB)

    Annual report Jahresbericht 2014 A nnual report Jahresbericht 2014 ENGSundried tomatoes being sold at the market in Bir Saliba on the ChadianSudanese border The market serves as a hub for producers in the region The cooperation of Chadian and Sudanese security forces has created conditions of security that allowed the revival of this market deUFrauen verkaufen getrocknete Tomaten auf dem Markt in Bir Saliba an der Grenze zwischen Tschad und Sudan Diese Märkte sind Drehkreuze für regionale ...
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  • [PDF Document] working_paper_0315.pdf   (1.85 MB)

    WORKING PAPER 3 2015 Protected Rather Than Protracted Strengthening Displaced Persons in Peace Processes A Stateoftheart Paper Heidrun Bohnet BICC Katja Mielke BICC Markus Rudolf BICC Conrad Schetter BICC Ruth Vollmer BICC WORKING PAPER 3 2015 PROTECTED RATHER THAN PROTRACTED EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Paper reviews the current state of the art on the return of displaced persons as a durable solution for longterm displacement situations It outlines the impact challenges and actors inv...
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  • [PDF Document] SoR-11-Rückkehr-und-Reintegration-von-Flüchtlingen.pdf   (1.3 MB)

    Flucht Forschung und Transfer StateofResearch Papier 11 Rückkehr und Reintegration Geflüchteter Elke Grawert September 2018 Elke Grawert Elke Grawert 2018 Rückkehr und Reintegration Geflüchteter StateofResearch Papier 11 Verbundprojekt Flucht Forschung und Transfer Osnabrück Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien IMIS der Universität OsnabrückBonn Internationales Konversionszentrum Bonn BICC September 2018 Redaktion J Olaf Kleist Lektorat Kristina Mauer Anke Riss Philip...
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  • [PDF Document] brief26.pdf   (928.86 KB)

    brief 26 Becoming an Exmilitary Man Demobilization and Reintegration of Military Professionals in Eastern Europe brief 26 Contents The author Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Andreas HeinemannGrüder Senior Researcher Bonn International Center for Conversion Germany Acknowledgments 5 Introduction 6 Identity Patterns of Former Military Professionals 10 Research questions Behavioral patterns general findings Identity patterns among former Ukrainian officers Identity patterns among form...
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  • [PDF Document] brief27.pdf   (469.16 KB)

    brief 27 Turning Soldiers into a Work Force Demobilization and Reintegration in PostDayton Bosnia and Herzegovina brief 27 Contents The authors Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Andreas HeinemannGrüder Senior researcher Bonn International Center for Conversion Germany Summary 5 Introduction and Goals 6 Background 8 Framework DecisionsThe Dayton Accords and Followup Agreements 11 The Emergency Demobilization and Reintegration Project EDRP 16 The Pilot Emergency Labor Redeployment ...
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  • [PDF Document] brief7.pdf   (3.06 MB)

    brief 7 The New Field of MicroDisarmament Addressing the Proliferation and Buildup of Small Arms and Light Weapons september 96 brief 7 Contents Zusammenfassung German Summary 4 Abstract 5 Background and Purpose 6 History Definition and Evolution of the Concept of MicroDisarmament 7 Typology of Light Weapons 10 Production and Methods of Accumulating Light Weapons 14 Negative Effects of Small Arms and Light Weapons 16 MicroDisarmament in Practice Situation and Scenarios 19 Pol...
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  • [PDF Document] brief11.pdf   (474.36 KB)

    brief 11 Reasonable Measures Addressing the Excessive Accumulation and Unlawful Use of Small Arms august 98 BICC 1 brief 11 Contents Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Executive summary 6 Introduction 8 Identifying the Issues 11 Trade 11 Existing circulation and surplus stocks 11 Unlawful use and civilian possession of militarystyle weapons 12 The Scope of Current Efforts 13 The United Nations context 13 Regional initiatives 15 The Wassenaar Arrangement 16 Nongovernment...
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  • [PDF Document] brief33.pdf   (813.78 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN brief 33 Water Governance in Southern Africa Cooperation and Conflict Prevention in Transboundary River Basins brief 33 Contents Introduction The global water crisisA crisis of governance 4 The context of natural resources and conflict or Why water is a special case 10 The context of weak states or Why water governance beyond the state 15 The international level Transboundary water management in Southern Afri...
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