135 search results of „senegal“
- ahinMencütek Z Mielke K SchmitzPranghe C & Vollmer R 2023 When Returning Home Feels Like Hell IPS Journal Mielke K ahinMencütek Z SchmitzPranghe C & Vollmer R 2023 Zurück zu Hause oder zurück in der Hölle FriedrichEbertStiftungFakhoury T & ahinMencütek Z 2023 The Geopolitics of Return Migration in the International SystemSpecial Issue of Geopolitics 120ahinMencütek Z 2023 The Role of Return Preparedness Assistance and Networks in Returnees Reintegration in Origin Countries Synthesis Report Bonn...
[PDF Document] wp_1_2016.pdf (373.64 KB)
WORKING PAPER 1 2016 Lessons from Small Arms and Weapons Control Initiatives in Africa Dr Nelson Alusala ISS WORKING PAPER 1 2016 LESSONS FROM SALW CONTROL INITIATIVES IN AFRICA NELSON ALUSAL A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proliferation and trafficking of small arms and light weapons SALW in Africa is partly attributable to weak national controls the porosity of state borders and ongoing armed conflict on the continent To address these problems a number of initiatives have been undertaken by... -
[Publication] Einsatz deutscher Rüstungstechnik im Jemen - Für ein umfassendes Waffenembargo gegen die Kriegskoalition
- The English version of this Policy Brief is a translation of the original German version that was published on 25 February 2019.The "Khashoggi moratorium" on arms exports to Saudi Arabia, imposed by the federal government in response to the murder of the journalist, ends on 9 March. In view of the continuing gross violation of international humanitarian law by the states involved in the war in Yemen, the latest BICC Policy Brief considers a mere extension of the moratorium to be insuff...
[Press] New Publication \ Deployment of German Arms in Yemen - For a Comprehensive Arms Embargo against the War Coalition
- In view of the continuing gross violation of international humanitarian law by the states involved in the war in Yemen, the latest BICC Policy Brief considers a mere extension of the moratorium to be insufficient and calls for a comprehensive arms embargo against the war coalition.
- Monday, 25 February 2019: Marius Bales and Max M. Mutschler, authors of BICC Policy Brief 2\2019 “Einsatz deutscher Waffensysteme im Jemen - Für ein umfassendes Waffenembargo gegen die Kriegskoalition“ (in German) in particular recommend:\ Decide on a comprehensive arms embargoIn view of the flagrant violation of international humanitarian law by the countries involved in the war in Yemen, export moratoria of limited duration, such as the current stop of arms exports to Saudi Arabia until 9 March, are not sufficient. Due...
[Publication] Einsatz deutscher Rüstungstechnik im Jemen - Für ein umfassendes Waffenembargo gegen die Kriegskoalition
- The English version of this Policy Brief is a translation of the original German version that was published on 25 February 2019.The "Khashoggi moratorium" on arms exports to Saudi Arabia, imposed by the federal government in response to the murder of the journalist, ends on 9 March. In view of the continuing gross violation of international humanitarian law by the states involved in the war in Yemen, the latest BICC Policy Brief considers a mere extension of the moratorium to be insuff...
[Publication] The Role of Return Preparedness, Assistance and Networks in Returnees’ Reintegration in Origin Countries (Synthesis Report)
- Across the destination countries of migration, i.e. migrant-receiving countries, in Europe there has been an increasing emphasis on return and reintegration programmes. These programmes particularly target rejected asylum-seekers forced to return, irregular migrants unable to legalise their stay in the migration country and migrants wishing to return of their own volition. Reintegration commonly refers to the processes that unfold after the return of migrants, refugees and internally displaced p...
[Publication] The Role of Return Preparedness, Assistance and Networks in Returnees’ Reintegration in Origin Countries (Synthesis Report)
- Across the destination countries of migration, i.e. migrant-receiving countries, in Europe there has been an increasing emphasis on return and reintegration programmes. These programmes particularly target rejected asylum-seekers forced to return, irregular migrants unable to legalise their stay in the migration country and migrants wishing to return of their own volition. Reintegration commonly refers to the processes that unfold after the return of migrants, refugees and internally displaced p...
[PDF Document] WP_Synthesis_Report_neu.pdf (5.66 MB)
SYNTHESIS REPORT 2023 The Role of Return Preparedness Assistance and Networks in Returnees Reintegration in Origin Countries Author Zeynep SahinMencütek BICC Contributors Clara SchmitzPranghe Ruth Vollmer Katja Mielke Markus Rudolf SYNTHESIS REPORT 2023 THE ROLE OF RETURN PREPAREDNESS ASSISTANCE AND NETWORKS IN RETURNEES REINTEGRATION ZEYNEP SAHINMENCÜTEK SUMMARY Across the destination countries of migration ie migrantreceiving countries in Europe there has been an increasing emphasis... -
[PDF Document] bicc_policy_brief_4_2016.pdf (215.72 KB)
4 2016 POLICY BRIEF After the First Annual Reports to the Arms Trade Treaty How to Overcome Gaps and Reporting Deficits Marius Bales BICC Max M Mutschler BICC RECOMMENDATIONS Transparency as a precondition for an effective ATT Provide assistance and incentives to fulfil reporting requirements The ATT Arms Trade Treaty as such does not States that are willing to fulfill their reporting automatically end irresponsible arms exports requirements but lack the capacities to do so should ... -
[PDF Document] brief39.pdf (2.54 MB)
brief 39 Migration and Displacement in SubSaharan Africa The SecurityMigration Nexus II Contents Preface Peter J Croll 4 5 Acknowledgments 5 Initial Addresses Doris WittelerStiepelmann Winfried Mengelkamp Michael Stückradt Stakeholders and their Scope of Action in SubSaharan Africa Loren B Landau 6 8 9 1 Keynote Speech Voluntary versus Forced Migration in SubSaharan Africa John O Oucho 11 2 Drivers of Force Causes and Faces of Forced Migration Forced Migration and Conflict in Sub...
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