335 search results of „sierra leone“
[PDF Document] BICC_brief_48.pdf (4.08 MB)
brief 48 Oil Investment and Conflict in Upper Nile State South Sudan Contents Acronyms and abbreviations 4 Abstract 5 Acknowledgments 6 Introduction 7 1 Methodology 2 Oil and conflict in South Sudan 16 Oil and conflict in South Sudan Past present and future 17 The process of oil exportation until the shutdown 25 Conflict escalation after independence of South Sudan 26 3 Securing a livelihood in the oil field 29 Introducing Melut and Maban Counties 30 Livelihood options and d... -
[PDF Document] BICC_brief_48.pdf (4.08 MB)
brief 48 Oil Investment and Conflict in Upper Nile State South Sudan Contents Acronyms and abbreviations 4 Abstract 5 Acknowledgments 6 Introduction 7 1 Methodology 2 Oil and conflict in South Sudan 16 Oil and conflict in South Sudan Past present and future 17 The process of oil exportation until the shutdown 25 Conflict escalation after independence of South Sudan 26 3 Securing a livelihood in the oil field 29 Introducing Melut and Maban Counties 30 Livelihood options and d... -
[PDF Document] SAS-SR04-Macedonia.pdf (611.21 KB)
A Fragile Peace Guns and Security in Postconflict Macedonia By Suzette R Grillot WolfChristian Paes Hans Risser and Shelly O Stoneman June 2004 The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations or the United Nations Development Programme A study commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme UNDP None of the materials provided in this publication may be used reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part in any... -
[PDF Document] sipri_policy_paper6.pdf (409.66 KB)
Relics of Cold War Europes Challenge Ukraines Experience SIPRI Policy Paper No 6 Alyson J K Bailes Oleksiy Melnyk and Ian Anthony Stockholm International Peace Research Institute November 2003 SIPRI 2003 Contents Preface Acronyms iv vi 1 Military legacies of the cold war in Europe the general challenge 1 Alyson J K Bailes and Ian Anthony A continent transformed 1 Processes and residues 4 The invisible legacy 20 Partners and proxies outside Europe 24 Remaining challenges and policy option... -
[PDF Document] Friedensgutachten 2024.pdf (4.45 MB)
2023 Welt ohne Kompass friedensg utachten BICC IFSH INEF PRIF Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden Universität DuisburgEssen LeibnizInstitut für Friedens und Konfliktforschung 2024 Welt ohne Kompass friedensg utachten BICC IFSH INEF PRIF Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hambu... -
[PDF Document] Friedensgutachten 2024.pdf (4.45 MB)
2023 Welt ohne Kompass friedensg utachten BICC IFSH INEF PRIF Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden Universität DuisburgEssen LeibnizInstitut für Friedens und Konfliktforschung 2024 Welt ohne Kompass friedensg utachten BICC IFSH INEF PRIF Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hambu... -
[PDF Document] paper46.pdf (1.32 MB)
paper 46 Water Development and Cooperation Comparative Perspective EuphratesTigris and Southern Africa Water Development and CooperationComparative Perspective EuphratesTigris and Southern Africa by Lars Wirkus ed Proceedings of a workshop organized by Published by BICC Bonn 2005 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde Contents Table of Contents Wirkus ... -
[PDF Document] brief28.pdf (985.38 KB)
brief 28 Confronting s Afghanistan Security Dilemma Reforming the Security Sector brief 28 Contents The editor Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Acknowledgments 6 Background on the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC and its Work on Afghanistan 7 Introduction Mark Sedra 8 Old Questions Needing New Answers A Fresh Look at Security Needs in Afghanistan Paul OBrien and Paul Barker 17 Military Reform in Afghanistan Antonio Giustozzi 23 Police Reform in Afghanistan An Overvie... -
[PDF Document] brief28.pdf (985.38 KB)
brief 28 Confronting s Afghanistan Security Dilemma Reforming the Security Sector brief 28 Contents The editor Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Acknowledgments 6 Background on the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC and its Work on Afghanistan 7 Introduction Mark Sedra 8 Old Questions Needing New Answers A Fresh Look at Security Needs in Afghanistan Paul OBrien and Paul Barker 17 Military Reform in Afghanistan Antonio Giustozzi 23 Police Reform in Afghanistan An Overvie... -
[PDF Document] tabellarische_uebersicht.pdf (365.25 KB)
BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN Tabellarische Übersicht ausgewählter Fälle aus den Bereichen extraktive Industrien Waldund Wasserwirtschaft K ATALOG Ressourcen und Konflikte Tabellarische Übersicht ausgewählter Fälle aus den Bereichen extraktive Industrien Wald und Wasserwirtschaft Katalog im Rahmen des Themenfelds Ressourcen und Konflikte Teilprojekt 1 Natürliche Ressourcen Umweltzerstörung und gewaltsamer Konfliktaustrag Zum Verhältnis von ...
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