
337 search results of „sierra leone“

  • [PDF Document] brief28.pdf   (985.38 KB)

    brief 28 Confronting s Afghanistan Security Dilemma Reforming the Security Sector brief 28 Contents The editor Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Acknowledgments 6 Background on the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC and its Work on Afghanistan 7 Introduction Mark Sedra 8 Old Questions Needing New Answers A Fresh Look at Security Needs in Afghanistan Paul OBrien and Paul Barker 17 Military Reform in Afghanistan Antonio Giustozzi 23 Police Reform in Afghanistan An Overvie...
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  • [PDF Document] tabellarische_uebersicht.pdf   (365.25 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN Tabellarische Übersicht ausgewählter Fälle aus den Bereichen extraktive Industrien Waldund Wasserwirtschaft K ATALOG Ressourcen und Konflikte Tabellarische Übersicht ausgewählter Fälle aus den Bereichen extraktive Industrien Wald und Wasserwirtschaft Katalog im Rahmen des Themenfelds Ressourcen und Konflikte Teilprojekt 1 Natürliche Ressourcen Umweltzerstörung und gewaltsamer Konfliktaustrag Zum Verhältnis von ...
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  • [PDF Document] paper11.pdf   (127.93 KB)

    paper 11 Upgrades and surplus weapons Lessons from the UK disposal sales agency Ian Davis and Steve Schofield July 1997 BICC AN DER ELISABETHKIRCHE 25 53113 BONN GERMANY PHONE 492289 11 960 FAX 4922824 12 15 I INTRODUCTION Military cutbacks in the 1990s have led to a decline in the purchase of new weapon systems the global value of transfers of major conventional weapons as measured by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SIPRI 1996 fell from a peak of US 46535 million i...
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  • [PDF Document] doc_ceso_49_foro.pdf   (143.59 KB)

    Voces y opciones del desarme Enseñanzas adquiridas de la experiencia de Bonn Internacional Center for Conversion BICC en otros países Peter J Croll Las relaciones entre economía y paz en sociedades postbélicas lecciones a partir de la experiencia centroamericana Alexander Segovia DEPARTAMENTO DE CIENCIA POLÍTICA DOCUMENTO N 49 Departamento de Ciencia Política Universidad de los Andes DOCUMENTOS CESO N 49 VOCES Y OPCIONES DEL DESARME ENSEÑANZAS ADQUIRIDAS DE LA EXPERIENCIA DE BONN INTERNACION...
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  • [PDF Document] doc_ceso_49_foro.pdf   (143.59 KB)

    Voces y opciones del desarme Enseñanzas adquiridas de la experiencia de Bonn Internacional Center for Conversion BICC en otros países Peter J Croll Las relaciones entre economía y paz en sociedades postbélicas lecciones a partir de la experiencia centroamericana Alexander Segovia DEPARTAMENTO DE CIENCIA POLÍTICA DOCUMENTO N 49 Departamento de Ciencia Política Universidad de los Andes DOCUMENTOS CESO N 49 VOCES Y OPCIONES DEL DESARME ENSEÑANZAS ADQUIRIDAS DE LA EXPERIENCIA DE BONN INTERNACION...
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  • [PDF Document] MENA_Select-Electricity_Planning_for_Sustainable_Development_in_the_MENA_Region-main.pdf   (2.39 MB)

    Middle East North Africa Sustainable ELECtricity Trajectories Energy Pathways for Sustainable Development in the MENA Region WORKING PAPER Electricity Planning for Sustainable Development in the MENA Region Criteria and indicators for conducting a sustainability assessment of different electricity generation technologies in Morocco Jordan and Tunisia Lead authors Boris Schinke Germanwatch and Jens Klawitter Germanwatch Contributing authors Maurice Döring BICC Nadejda Komendantova IIASA Jenan ...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_Working_paper_2_2018.pdf   (3.44 MB)

    WORKING PAPER 2 2018 Coping with protracted displacement How Afghans secure their livelihood in Afghanistan Iran and Pakistan Elke Grawert BICC Katja Mielke BICC WORKING PAPER 2 2018 COPING WITH PROTRACTED DISPLACEMENT E GRAWERT K MIELKE SUMMARY This Working Paper addresses the situation of Afghans before during and after their displacements in Afghanistan Pakistan and Iran Its aim is 1 to understand how internally displaced lowerclass Afghans refugees who have returned and Afghan ...
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