347 search results of „uganda“
[PDF Document] BICC_GMI_2020_EN.pdf (6.65 MB)
GLOBALER MILITARISIERUNGSINDEX 2017 MAX M MUTSCHLER BICC GLOBAL MILITARISATION INDEX 2020 Max Mutschler Marius Bales BICC GLOBAL MILITARISATION INDEX 2020 MAX MUTSCHLER MARIUS BALES SUMMARY Every year BICCs Global Militarisation Index GMI presents the relative weight and importance of a countrys military apparatus in relation to its society as a whole The GMI 2020 covers 151 states and is based on the latest available figures in most cases data for 2019 The index project is financially su... -
[PDF Document] paper29.pdf (197.32 KB)
paper 29 Tackling Small Arms in Central Africa Tackling Small Arms in Central Africa by Lucien Mufor Atanga Published by BICC Bonn 2003 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde Table of Contents Table of Contents Acknowledgements 4 1 Introduction 5 11 Background and Problem 5 12 Scope 11 13 Objective 12 14 Research PropositionsQuestions 12 15 ... -
[PDF Document] report1.pdf (1.28 MB)
BICC BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN report 1 Conversion and the Integration of Economic and Security Dimensions january 95 contents Zusammenfassung Summary in German 4 Introduction The Imperative of Conversion The rapidity of change which greeted the end of the cold war has put a strain on the successful management of downsizing of 5 Summary Broadening the Focus of Conversion 8 Reallocation of Financial Resources Reorientation of ... -
[PDF Document] tabellarische_uebersicht.pdf (365.25 KB)
BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN Tabellarische Übersicht ausgewählter Fälle aus den Bereichen extraktive Industrien Waldund Wasserwirtschaft K ATALOG Ressourcen und Konflikte Tabellarische Übersicht ausgewählter Fälle aus den Bereichen extraktive Industrien Wald und Wasserwirtschaft Katalog im Rahmen des Themenfelds Ressourcen und Konflikte Teilprojekt 1 Natürliche Ressourcen Umweltzerstörung und gewaltsamer Konfliktaustrag Zum Verhältnis von ... -
[PDF Document] BICC_Working_Paper_9_2019.pdf (2.68 MB)
WORKING PAPER 9 2019 Conceptualising crisis refugees and IDPs Insights from northern Iraq on vulnerabilities and needs caused by displacement Markus Rudolf BICC WORKING PAPER 9 2019 CONCEPTUALISING CRISIS REFUGEES AND IDPs M RUDOLF SUMMARY This Working Paper assesses how humanitarian and development aid agencies address individuals whose human rights and human dignity have been affected by displacement It proposes a fresh look at how to measure needs that arise in such situations To t... -
[PDF Document] How_can_the_Humanitarian-Development-Peace_Nexus_work_from_the_bottom_up.pdf (3.69 MB)
report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 4 The research ... -
[PDF Document] 20240115_HDP_Titles.pdf (3.81 MB)
report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 4 The research ... -
[PDF Document] How_can_the_HDP_Nexus_work_from_the_Bottom_Up.pdf ()
report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 4 The research ... -
[PDF Document] paper29.pdf (197.32 KB)
paper 29 Tackling Small Arms in Central Africa Tackling Small Arms in Central Africa by Lucien Mufor Atanga Published by BICC Bonn 2003 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde Table of Contents Table of Contents Acknowledgements 4 1 Introduction 5 11 Background and Problem 5 12 Scope 11 13 Objective 12 14 Research PropositionsQuestions 12 15 ... -
[PDF Document] How_can_the_HDP_work_from_the_bottom-up.pdf (3.84 MB)
report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 6 The research ...
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