
347 search results of „uganda“

  • [PDF Document] BICC_Annual_Report_2022.pdf   (3.5 MB)

    ANNUAL REPORT JAHRESBERICHT 2022 ENGFreedom of Movement Movement of Freedom This graffiti is located in the Moria Hotspot for refugees on the Greek island of Lesvos The war against Ukraine makes the double meaning of this statement highly topical But even if the emergency aid for Ukrainian refugees be it by the state or civil society is a textbook example of how European values could be implemented in terms of solidarityit is more important than ever to make humanitarian border and asylum in...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_Annual_Report_2022_01.pdf   (3.5 MB)

    ANNUAL REPORT JAHRESBERICHT 2022 ENGFreedom of Movement Movement of Freedom This graffiti is located in the Moria Hotspot for refugees on the Greek island of Lesvos The war against Ukraine makes the double meaning of this statement highly topical But even if the emergency aid for Ukrainian refugees be it by the state or civil society is a textbook example of how European values could be implemented in terms of solidarityit is more important than ever to make humanitarian border and asylum in...
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  • [PDF Document] bicc_annual_report_2009_2010.pdf   (1.75 MB)

    Annual Report 20092010 Jahresbericht 20092010 Project leader Susanne Heinke Authors Marc von Boemcken Peter J Croll Michael Dedek Peter Gottwald Jan Grebe Lena Guesnet Susanne Heinke Elvan Isikozlu WolfChristian Paes Clara SchmitzPranghe Andrea Warnecke Lars Wirkus Editor Susanne Heinke Translations Lynn Benstead English Heike Webb GermanEnglish Layout Katharina Moraht Editorial deadline 28 May 2010 Contributions to the Annual Report 20092010 Director Peter J Croll Editor Susanne ...
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  • [PDF Document] paper39.pdf   (240.71 KB)

    paper 39 External Actors in Stateless Somalia A War Economy and its Promoters External actors in stateless Somalia A war economy and its promoters by Sabrina GrosseKettler Published by BICC Bonn 2004 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde External actors in stateless Somalia Preface Somalia is usually seen as the ultimate example of state failure In We...
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  • [PDF Document] ress_konf_uebersichtsstudie.pdf   (348.94 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN Gewinnung natürlicher Ressourcen in Konfliktsituationen Bestandsaufnahme zu den Positionen und Strategien relevanter EZAkteure K ONZEPTPAPIER Gewinnung natürlicher Ressourcen in Konfliktsituationen Bestandsaufnahme zu den Positionen und Strategien relevanter EZAkteure Übersichtsstudie im Rahmen des Themenfelds Ressourcen und Konflikte Teilprojekt 1 Natürliche Ressourcen Umweltzerstörung und gewaltsamer Konflik...
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  • [PDF Document] kleinwaffen.pdf   (689.82 KB)

    Abt 43 Gesundheit Bildung Ernährung Nothilfe Die Kleinwaffenproblematik in Entwicklungsländern Stand der internationalen Diskussion und Empfehlungen für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Technischen Zusammenarbeit Eschborn 2001 Herausgeber Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GTZ GmbH Postfach 5180 D65726 Eschborn Internet httpwwwgtzde Abteilung 43 Gesundheit Bildung Ernährung Nothilfe Verantwortlich Bernd Hoffmann Inhaltliche Ausarbeitung Sami...
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  • [PDF Document] Small_Arms_and_Light_Weapons_SALW_Transfers_TRAINEE.pdf   (1.69 MB)

    Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW Transfer Controls Commonwealth of Australia 2005 Image used with permission for illustrative purposes only Bonn International Center for Conversion is not a supplier to the Australian Department of Defence module SAT 06B02 Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW Transfer Controls written by Mike Bourne Centre for International Cooperation and Security University of Bradford UK and the TRESA team module SAT 06B02 TRESA modules are produced by the Bonn Internation...
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  • [PDF Document] bicc_workingpaper_ENGL_RZ_FINAL_webversion.pdf   (1.24 MB)

    2015 Civilian Arms Registration and Marking Handbook Nikhil Acharya with Nikkie Wiegink and Salah Idriss 201 2015 CIVILIAN ARMS REGISTRATION AND MARKINGA HANDBOOK CONTENTS 1 Introduction 4 2 What is Arms Registration and Marking 6 21 What is Marking 22 What is Registration and Recordkeeping 6 7 3 Designing Arms Registration and Marking Programmes 31 Preconditions Before Starting an ARM Programme 32 The Action Plan 321 Aligning Activities and Goals of an ARM Programme A Practical Guid...
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  • [PDF Document] working_paper_6_01.pdf   (940.01 KB)

    WORKING PAPER In Need of a Critical Rethink Security Sector Reform in South Sudan Claudia Breitung BICC WolfChristian Paes BICC Luuk van de Vondervoort BICC WORKING PAPER 6 2016 6 2016 SECURITY SECTOR REFORM IN SOUTH SUDAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Past attempts at security sector reform SSR and disarmament demobilization and reintegration DDR in South Sudan have made no significant contribution to rightsizing the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army SPLA and were unable to sustainably change South...
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  • [PDF Document] SALW_Guide_2021_Edition.pdf   (45.27 MB)

    Bundeswehr Verification Center Small Arms Light Weapons Guide 2021 With financial support from the German Federal Foreign Office Introduction Illicit Small Arms Light Weapons SALW and their ammunition pose a serious global threat to the security of individuals communities and nation states This SALW Identification Guide provides specialized agencies security forces and actors involved in regulating illegal trafficking of weapons and ammunition with access to critical information in a compact us...
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