About Us

bicc is an independent international research institute dedicated to research and policy advice on the conditions, dynamics and consequences of violent conflicts to contribute to a more peaceful world. 

Its multidisciplinary approach covers the topics of 

  • building peace and social cohesion 
  • militarisation and arms control 
  • agents and patterns of security and war 
  • violent environments and infrastructures
  • migration and forced displacement 

bicc was founded in 1994 with the support of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia and is a member of the Johannes-Rau-Research Community.  


bicc's vision is a more peaceful world where the outbreak of violent conflict is prevented, allowing people to live safely, with dignity and in balance with their environment. 


  • conduct research for a more peaceful world. 
  • provide policy advice for a more peaceful world. 
  • strengthen capacities for a more peaceful world. 
  • build partnerships based on trust, diversity and respect. Worldwide. 


bicc´s mission is to conduct research, advise on policy and strengthen capacities for responding to and preventing future outbreaks of violence in (post-)conflict regions.  


  • conducts research and develops innovative concepts to further academic debates on peace and conflict. 
  • provides policy advice on how to address the conditions, dynamics and consequences of violent conflicts. 
  • strengthens capacities for analysing and addressing violent conflicts.   
  • builds networks to interlink research, practice and policy on peace and conflict. 
  • works in partnerships based on trust, diversity and respect. Worldwide. 



bicc was founded as a non-profit limited company in 1994 with the support of the  State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). Its shareholder is the state of NRW. The governing bodies are the Supervisory Board, the Board of Trustees and the International Board.

bicc´s  concept  frames the Institute’s activities for the next five years. An implicit part of bicc´s vision is gender equality and is pursued in every aspect of its work and made explicit in its Gender Equality Plan (GEP).  bicc is subject to the Public Corporate Governance Code of the state of NRW, understood as the measure of good and responsible management and control. The Code aims to ensure that a company’s decisions with regard to management and control are transparent and comprehensible

See “Corporate Governance Bericht”:  

bicc is a founding member of the Johannes-Rau-Research Community, an umbrella organisation for 15 independent non-university research institutes with more than 1,600 employees in North Rhine-Westphalia, established in 2014. 

The commentary of the JRF Evaluation Working Group on the most recent independent evaluation of bicc in November 2023 can be viewed here.  

Partners and Funders

bicc receives core funding from the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). This funding enables bicc to conduct research projects and provide research-based policy advice with funding from a variety of funders.

Bonn University is the seat of the professorship for Peace and Conflict Studies held by bicc’s Director.