Professor Dr phil habil Andreas Heinemann-Grüder
Senior Researcher
showfor a more peaceful world
This project has examined the sources of survival of de facto regimes. De facto regimes are not frozen conflicts, and wanting to stabilise the status quo is an illusion. In 2022, we conducted field research in Armenia, Moldova and northern Iraq, as well as along the so-called contact line with refugees who had fled Russian-controlled areas or the war zone. We used our networks to document, at least in part, Russia’s occupation policy in the newly conquered territories, especially in regard to how Russia governs annexed territories.
The exceptional insights we gained from our interviews in Russian-controlled areas enabled us to make valuable contributions to many media outlets in Germany and abroad. The project’s findings made a significant contribution to a study commissioned by the German Federal Foreign Office on its policy towards de facto regimes, which includes a review of the achievements and shortcomings of German and EU peacebuilding efforts to date and policy recommendations for the coming years.