Dr Claudia Breitung
Technical Advisor \ Senior Researcher
showfor a more peaceful world
Over the past year, bicc has participated in the German government’s SSR-Hub, providing technical expertise on disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR), as well as country-specific expertise on DDR to civil servants and diplomats tasked with implementing Germany’s interministerial strategy on security sector reform (SSR) for crisis prevention, conflict management and peacebuilding.
A ‘hub’ is an interface between academia and policy practice. It is a forum for peace and conflict researchers to provide conceptual and methodological input to civil servants and career diplomats. It is also a forum to promote inter-ministerial exchange and knowledge transfer.
The SSR-Hub is linked to other research hubs embedded in the German Federal Foreign Office, namely the Rule of Law Promotion (RSF) Hub and the Mediation Hub.