Brown Bag Lecture: Book Talk on Research Methods in Deportation: The Power-Knowledge Approach

12:00-13:00 CEST
Over the past two decades, the extensive use of deportation by states has gone hand in hand with a growing interest in the topic among researchers in the humanities, social sciences and legal studies. Although sensitive to power relations, the literature on deportations has failed to analyse power relations in detail in the research process itself. At a time when reflexivity is becoming increasingly important in migration studies, the ethical and methodological challenges of deportation studies need to be acknowledged. However, reflexivity, which problematises the power relations at play in the research process and their effects on research outcomes, is only the first step in challenging power imbalances in knowledge production. Another necessary (proactive) step is to propose concrete coping strategies and solutions aimed at reducing power imbalances in the research process. The book Research Methods in Deportation (Edward Elgar, 2024) presents the power–knowledge approach in deportation research that consists of the reflexive and the proactive components.
During this book launch, Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna, the editor of the book, will present the power–knowledge approach for deportation studies and other fields of research characterised by power imbalances. She will give concrete examples of how the approach can be applied on all the stages of the research, from the recruitment of participants to results dissemination.
Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna is assistant professor at the Centre of Migration Research at the University of Warsaw and honorary research fellow at the University of Wolverhampton. A social anthropologist and Latin Americanist by training, she holds a PhD in sociology from the University of Warsaw and previously taught qualitative research methods. She has published on deportations from the United States to Mexico and the United Kingdom to the European Union, and co-authored the books Ethnomorality of care and Migrants as agents of change.
The talk is part of bicc’s Brown Bag Lecture Series “Displacement and Development,” which aims to bring together conflict and displacement studies on the one hand and development respectively humanitarian aid-oriented analyses on the other. It takes place in cooperation with the bicc-projects Return and Belonging (RE-MIG), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and GAPs, funded by the EU Horizon 2022 programme.
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For further information, please contact: Zeynep Şahin-Mencütek at or Selina Engelberth at