Populism and Politics Workshop—The The Interplay Between Migration and Populist Politics Across Europe Ahead of European Parliament Elections
Migration, with its multifaceted socio-economic and political implications on voting behaviour, stands at the nexus of the factors that have fuelled the demand for populism in Europe and beyond. As the 2024 European Parliamentary elections approach, comprehending the trends in voting behaviour and the role of immigration-related populism necessitates an interdisciplinary approach.
The central theme of the workshop revolves around elections and anti-immigration populism in the European context. This two-day workshop will be held in hybrid format and will bring leading scholars and researchers in the field of populism and migration to discuss the interplay between populism and migration and their socio-economic and political repercussions.
On 23 May, Ezgi Irgil & Zeynep Şahin Mencutek presented the paper “The Victory Party at the Crossroads of Asylum Policies and Populist Discourse in Turkey" at the conference.
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