Russia's War on Ukraine \ Perspectives of NRW Peace Research
Peace and conflict research in NRW deals with the war in Ukraine and its consequences from different perspectives. The framework of the NRW Network Peace and Conflict Research will organise a hybrid event (in German language) to discuss them on 27 April 2022.
The Russian attack on Ukraine is a shocking breach of international law. It calls into question the viability of the European peace and security architecture. The Ukrainian population is being subjected to brutal violence and war crimes. Moreover, the war harbours the danger of even further escalation, including nuclear escalation. German foreign and security policy is facing new challenges that require intensive public and parliamentary discussion.
NRW is directly affected. There are diverse relations with people and communities in Ukraine, and the state is taking in a large group of refugees. The state government has repeatedly emphasised how seriously it takes its responsibility in this conflict. People in many cities have also demonstrated against the war and campaigned for the preservation of human rights and for peace.
Peace and conflict research in NRW deals with the war and its consequences from different perspectives. On the basis of initial research findings, this event will enter into dialogue with political decision-makers, the media, civil society and interested members of the public. The public symposium combines a critical review with the question of the consequences of the war for international politics, Germany and NRW.
Please find the programme and registration here.