Between civil war and integration—Refugees and the challenges and opportunities of societal change in North Rhine-Westphalia




  • Migration and Forced Displacement

North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), with its strong urbanization, cultural variety and openness, is one of the areas in Germany and Europe that attract refugees the most. Its society has been shaped by the continued inflow of (forced) migrants for decades. Refugees will be playing an important role in the societal change of NRW, an important topic of research earmarked by the Ministry of Science in NRW in its research strategy on progress in NRW.
With a focus on the state of NRW, this research project deals with four aspects of refugee flight: lines of conflict between refugees abroad and their countries of origin, chances for conflict prevention in refugee camps, examples of long-term integration of refugees in NRW and the question of how refugees can be involved in the peace processes in their home countries.
Financed by the state of NRW, it will analyse the risks posed to refugees and host communities by displacement, life in host countries and the prospects of return. Equally, this project also aims to show the potential of conflict management, local integration and international networking amongst refugees, thus intending to foster sustainable refugee policies and to expand on existing approaches to research on displacement in Germany.
Module 1: Conflict prevention in refugee shelters (pdf, in German/English)

Module 2: Continuity or dis-continuity of conflicts among refugees in NRW (pdf, in German/English)
Module 3: Successful integration? Long-term life histories of refugees in NRW (pdf, in German/English)
Module 4: Peace negotiations, refugee rights and resources in the Syrian and Afghan peace processes (pdf, in English)

Project Leader

Project Team


  • Land NRW

Duration of project

2016 until 2019


bicc Policy brief

Meininghaus, E., & Mielke, K.

Meaningful political participation. Lessons learnt from UN mediation in Afghanistan and Syria

BICC , Bonn (2021)

bicc Policy brief

Mielke, K., & Meininghaus, E.

Engaging refugees and migrants as peace advocates. How Germany can contribute to peace in Syria and Afghanistan

BICC , Bonn (2021)

bicc Working paper

Meininghaus, E., & Mielke, K.

Beyond Doha and Geneva: Peacemaking engagement of Afghans and Syrians in North Rhine-Westphalia and Germany

BICC , Bonn (2019)

bicc Policy brief

Röing, T.

On handling conflicts among refugees and migrant communities. Assuring equal treatment and enabling participation on equal terms

BICC , Bonn (2019)

bicc Working paper

Röing, T.

Continuation of political conflicts or a new beginning? Turkish refugees in North Rhine-Westphalia

BICC , Bonn (2019)

bicc Working paper

Christ, S.

"Thank God, I don't feel like a refugee anymore" - Everyday life and integration processes of refugees

BICC , Bonn (2019)

bicc Working paper

Christ, S., & Meininghaus, E., & Röing, T.

“All Day Waiting” – Causes of conflict in refugee shelters in Germany

BICC , Bonn (2019)

bicc Policy brief

Christ, S.

The key to successful integration of refugees in Germany. Language skills, housing, work, social participation

BICC , Bonn (2019)

Other publications

Röing, T., & Meininghaus, E., & Christ, S.

Kein Anker für Schutzsuchende – eine Stellungnahme zu den geplanten AnkER-Zentren. FluchtforschungsBlog.


Other publications

Christ, S., & Röing, T.

Konflikte in Unterkünften für Geflüchtete: Ursachen, Konstellationen, Risiken und Präventionsansätze. Forum Kriminalprävention, 4/2018.


bicc Working paper

Christ, S., & Meininghaus, E., & Röing, T.

"All Day Waiting"—Konflikte in Unterkünften für Geflüchtete in NRW

BICC , Bonn (2017)

Other publications

Meininghaus, E.

Is there hope? Peace negotiations as moments of exception in an era of post-politics. In S. Heinke (Ed.), Annual Report 2017 (pp. 10-17).

BICC , Bonn (2017)

Other publications

Röing, T.

Commentary \ Wahlkampfthema Asyl- und Migrationspolitik: Wie sehr trägt das Vorbild Kanada?.

BICC , Bonn (2017)

bicc Policy brief

Christ, S., & Meininghaus, E., & Röing, T.

Konfliktprävention in Unterkünften – Selbstverantwortung geflüchteter Menschen stärken

BICC , Bonn (2017)
