Demobilisation and small arms control in West Africa - Sahel region
- Militarisation and arms control
BICC plans to continue working in Mali in 2015, building on experience gained over the course of a short project in 2014 on assessing the state of arms and ammunition management with the Malian armed forces. The project’s first component will focus on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) Control, particularly Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM) of government-owned arms. BICC has done an in-depth assessment on this in the second half of 2014, and this forms the basis for providing technical advice on improving standards and implementing management structures for PSSM, in collaboration with other international actors, including the UN and various NGOs.Secondly, BICC will work together with the Malian authorities to lay the groundwork for a new Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration programme that is currently being developed in Mali and that is likely to commence once a renewed peace agreement has been reached between the Government and different Tuareg rebel groups in the North of the country. The Government is planning to set up a DDR Commission, and BICC with its longstanding history of doing research and implementing advisory projects on DDR has the necessary skills and experience to offer support.
Project Leader
- Wolf-Christian Paes
- AA - Auswärtiges Amt
Duration of project
Since 2014