Developing Peace: The contribution of German development cooperation to UN peacebuilding missions




  • Building Peace and Social Cohesion

United Nations peace missions grant civil stakeholders and development cooperation instruments a central role in tackling the structural causes of conflict by peaceful means and establishing a stable peace. In a preliminary study on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), BICC has taken initial stock of the contribution made by German development cooperation (DC) to United Nations peace missions and has developed a theoretical model for studying the projects of German development stakeholders with regard to their relevance within the peace process.

Project Leader

  • Dr. Volker Franke

Project Team

  • Andrea Warnecke
  • Viktoria Schmitt
  • Dr. Gudrun Molkentin


  • German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Duration of project

until 2008


bicc Annual report

Annual Report 2008

bicc , Bonn (2008)
