Development of an online presence on "Figures and Facts on War and Peace"




  • Agents and Patterns of Security and War

BICC has developed a modular information portal in association with the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) for use in the latter’s online services in the topic area of war and peace. 

The information portal offers a whole range of different, mainly interactive types of presentations. Its centerpiece is the WebGIS (Web-based Geographical Information System) element which, in combination with a relational database, enables the cartographic processing and presentation of extremely diverse data and information according to year and country. The WebGIS application offers the user module-based, selectable and combinable layers of information, i.e. interactive thematic maps. These map components and their control system make it possible to combine data and facts individually according to specific interests and issues and to obtain the corresponding results or answers. 

BICC intends to progressively establish a total of nine thematic modules for the online portal in order to provide interested members of the public, teachers and learners, policymakers, the media and academia with needs-based, target-group related and interactive access to the most important data and facts on war and peace in a global comparison.

Project Leader

Project Team

  • Jan Hartmann
  • Vera Klöttschen
  • Alexander Strunck
  • Marianne Wargenau


  • Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb)

Duration of project

since 2010


bicc Annual report

Annual Report 2011

bicc , Bonn (2011)
