Facts and Figures on war and peace—interactive online portal




  • Agents and Patterns of Security and War

BICC is cooperating with the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) in developing a modular information portal on war and peace for the latter’s online service: sicherheitspolitik.bpb.de
The portal will eventually offer a total of nine thematic modules that are intended to give individual target groups, such as politically interested members of the public, teachers and learners, policymakers, representatives of the media and researchers, interactive access to the particular information that they require on war and peace in a global comparison. The portal offers a broad spectrum of different, mainly interactive, presentation forms. Its central feature is an interactive collection of maps and tables providing a wide range of data and information regarding individual countries and years based on WebGIS (Web-based Geographical Information System) in combination with a relational database.

Project Leader

Project Team


  • German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb)

Duration of project

since 2010