GMF transatlantic study team on climate-induced migration




  • Migration and Forced Displacement

The development of scenarios and models pertaining to the ecological and socio-economic effects of climate change on particularly affected regions of the world is increasingly taken up by international research. The German Marshall Fund of the United States, within the framework of its Immigration & Integration Program 2009/10, had initiated the formation of a Transatlantic Study Team on climate-induced migration to improve networking both between policymakers and researchers and the exchange of their approaches to research on the transatlantic level. Under the leadership of the Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM, Georgetown University) and the United Nations University (UNU, Bonn), BICC participated in this international initiative.

Project Leader

  • Andrea Warnecke

Project Team


  • German Marshall Fund (GMF)

Duration of project



bicc Annual report

Annual Report 2010

bicc , Bonn (2010)

Other publications

Warnecke, A., & Tänzler, D., & Vollmer, R.

Climate change, migration and conflict: Receiving communities under pressure?.

