Policy and technical advice in the field of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR)/security sector transformation (SST) in South Sudan




  • Building Peace and Social Cohesion

This project allows BICC to continue its engagement in activities related to disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) and security sector transformation (SST) in South Sudan and, thus, builds on previous DDR/security sector reform projects in South Sudan implemented by BICC between 2006 and 2014.
The project aims at supporting the broader policy debate on SSR/DDR in South Sudan and provides technical and policy advice to institutions implementing the Permanent Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements (PCTSA). The project has two core components:
1\  Policy and technical advice to implementing agencies of the Peace Agreement (in particular the JMCC and the SDSR board) in matters related to SSR/DDR;
2\  Engagement and coordination with other national and international stakeholders working on strategic defence and security issues in South Sudan.
Since April 2016, BICC has focussed its project work particularly on the second component, the strategic engagement with other international stakeholders involved in DDR matters in South Sudan (such as the UK Foreign Office, the US State Department, the World Bank).

Project Leader

Project Team


  • German Federal Foreign Office

Duration of project

since 2016


bicc Working paper

Breitung, C., & Paes, W., & van de Vondervoort, L.

In need of a critical re-think: Security sector reform in South Sudan

BICC , Bonn (2016)
