
Dr Benjamin Etzold

Dr Benjamin Etzold

Senior Researcher

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+49 228 91196-24

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Research Profile

Benjamin Etzold is a social geographer and migration scholar with more than 16 years of experience in studying people’s vulnerability and livelihoods, trajectories of migration and displacement, as well as informal labour relations and patterns of food security. He holds a PhD in Geography from the University of Bonn (2012). At BICC, he is currently leading the BMZ-funded project ‘Return and Belonging after Conflict-induced Displacement’ (ReMIG), and contributing to BMBF-funded collaborative project ‘Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer’ (FFVT). He also recently completed a study on ‘Food Security and Conflict Dynamics in Northern Kenya’ (FooCo, 2022-2023). From 2019-2022, he led the interdisciplinary EU-funded research project ‘Transnational Figurations of Displacement’ (TRAFIG) as scientific coordinator. This project looked into the role of mobility and translocal connectivity for people in protracted displacement situations.  

Benjamin published two books – ‘The Politics of Street Food. Contested Governance and Vulnerabilities in Dhaka's Field of Street Vending’ (2013) and ‘Illegalisierte Migration in der Flüssigen Moderne. Migration aus Afrika und die europäische Grenzsicherungspolitik`(2009) – and an edited volume – 'Environment, Migration and Adaptation. Evidence and Politics of Climate Change in Bangladesh’ (2015 with B. Mallick). His work has also been published in Population, Space and Place; Geographica Helvetica; Erdkunde; Die Erde; Geographische Rundschau; Climate and Development; Migration and Development; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; Comparative Population Studies; International Quarterly for Asian Studies; and in multiple books. 

Research Topics / Key Expertise


(Portracted) Displacement

Transnationalism and translocality


Social vulnerability

Food security

Labour geography

Countries Of Expertise

  • Bangladesh,
  • Morocco,
  • Germany,
  • Kenya,
  • Jordan,
  • Ethiopia,
  • Pakistan

Professional Career

Benjamin studied geography, sociology, political science and development studies at the Universities of Stuttgart, Adelaide and Bonn. He worked in the geography department of the University of Bonn from 2007 until 2016, where he also obtained his PhD in 2012 with his research on the livelihoods of street vendors and political contestations in Dhaka, Bangladesh. During that time, he also did consultancy work for the United Nations’ University (UNU-EHS) and CARE, for whom he led a case study on rainfall variability, food security and human mobility in Bangladesh, and spent a few weeks to teach and conduct research at the University of Sussex in the UK. Since he joined bicc, Benjamin temporarily took on teaching positions as guest professor at the geography department of the Free University of Berlin (10/2020-03/2021) and at the geography department of the University of Innsbruck (05-06/2023). At bicc, he leads research at the intersection of forced migration and refugee studies as well as peace and conflict studies, and provides advice to governments, public bodies and civil society organisations.

Important Publications

Journal Article

Christ, S., & Etzold, B.

Family figurations in displacement: Entangled mobilities of refugees towards Germany and beyond


Journal Article

Lorenz, R., & Etzold, B.

Journeys of Violence: Trajectories of (Im-)Mobility and Migrants’ Encounters with Violence in European Border Spaces




bicc Policy brief

Rashid, S., & Etzold, B., & Ansar, A.

Gendered violence and insecurity in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh – new insights and ways forward

bicc , Bonn (2025)


Book chapter

Etzold, B., & Ansar, A.

Geflohene Rohingya in Bangladesch: Wie kann diese langanhaltende Vertreibungskrise gelöst werden?

Fischer Verlag , Frankfurt (2024)

Book chapter

Christ, S., & Etzold, B.

Enforced Transnationalism

Taylor & Francis Group , London (2024)


Etzold, B., & Müller-Koné, M.

Viehhirten brachten den Frieden

BICC , Bonn (2024)

Journal article

Themann, P., & Etzold, B.

„We are making it on ourselves“ – Infrastructures of (Im)mobilities in Bosnia und Herzegovina

BICC , Bonn (2024)



Müller-Koné, M., & Etzold, B.

Peace came from the herders. Supporting peace amidst drought, food insecurity and conflict. Lessons from Marsabit County, Kenya

BICC , Bonn (2023)

Book chapter

Etzold, B.


Nomos , Baden-Baden (2023)

Book chapter

Etzold, B.


nomos , Baden-baden (2023)


Etzold, B., & Müller-Koné, M.

Boundary-Making in a Contested Space. Food Security and Conflict Dynamics in Marsabit, Kenya

bicc , Bonn (2023)


Journal Article

Mielke, K., & Etzold, B.

Afghans’ narrowing mobility options in Pakistan and the right to transnational living: a figurational perspective


Journal Article

Etzold, B., & Fechter, A.

Unsettling protracted displacement: connectivity and mobility beyond ‘Limbo’

Taylot & Francis (2022)

Journal Article

Christ, S., & Etzold, B.

Family figurations in displacement: Entangled mobilities of refugees towards Germany and beyond


Journal Article

Lorenz, R., & Etzold, B.

Journeys of Violence: Trajectories of (Im-)Mobility and Migrants’ Encounters with Violence in European Border Spaces


Other publications

Etzold, B., & Wagner, M., & Katsiaficas, C.

People First – New Solutions to the Challenge of Displacement

Think7 (2022)

Other publications

Christ, S., & Etzold, B., & Güzelant, G., & Puers, M., & Steffens, D., & Themann, P., & Thiem, M.

Figurations of Displacement in and beyond Germany - Empirical findings and reflections on mobility and translocal connections of refugees living in Germany (TRAFIG working paper no. 10).

BICC , Bonn (2022)

Other publications

Christ, S., & Isikozlu, E., & Etzold, B.

Following their lead: Transnational connectivity and mobility along family figurations in displacement (TRAFIG practice note no. 10).

BICC , Bonn (2022)

Other publications

Katsiaficas, C., & Pastore, F., & Hatziprokopiou, P., & Etzold, B., & Kraler, A.

Moving on: How easing mobility restrictions within Europe can help forced migrants rebuild their lives (TRAFIG Policy Brief No. 6)

BICC , Bonn (2022)


Book chapter

Etzold, B.

Flucht und Vertreibung

Westermann Bildungsmedien Verlag GmbH , Braunschweig (2021)

Journal Article

Etzold, B., & Christ, S.

Humanitarian Admission Programmes: how networks enable mobility in contexts of protracted displacement


Journal Article

Kraler, A., & Etzold, B., & Ferreira, N.

Understanding the dynamics of protracted displacement


Other publications

Mielke, K., & Shahid, N., & Khatana, A., & Ahmad, Z., & Irshad, A., & Kiran, S., & Etzold, B., & Asghari, S., & Javed, M.

Figurations of Displacement in and beyond Pakistan. Empirical findings and reflections on protracted displacement and translocal connections of Afghans (TRAFIG Working Paper No. 7)

BICC , Bonn (2021)

Other publications

Katsiaficas, C., & Etzold, B.

Forced displacement in 2021: much to commemorate, little to celebrate (Blog OECD Development matters)

OECD (2021)

Other publications

Rudolf, M., & Abebe, M., & Amsalu, D., & Etzold, B., & Mengiste, T.

Figurations of displacement in and beyond Ethiopia. Empirical findings and reflections on protracted displacement and translocal connections of Eritreans in Ethiopia (TRAFIG working paper 5). Bonn: BICC.



Other publications

Etzold, B.

In the shadow of the pandemic: Who has a right to mobility–and who doesn't? \ Im Schatten der Pandemie: Wer hat ein Recht auf Mobilität - und wer nicht? In BICC (Ed.), Annual Report 2020 (pp. 10–17). Bonn: BICC.


Other publications

Jacobs, C., & Ferreira, N., & Etzold, B., & Roman, E.

Policies should better support people trapped in long-term refugee situations. The Conversation.


Other publications

Etzold, B.

How does European policy approach mobility for non-citizens?. OpenDemocracy.


Other publications

Etzold, B., & Pastore, F., & Roman, E., & Hatziprokopiou, P., & Papatzani, E., & Kraler, A.

Kommentar \ EU am Scheideweg: „Europa vor Flüchtlingen abschirmen“ oder „Geflüchtete schützen“?

BICC , Bonn (2020)

Other publications

Pastore, F., & Roman, E., & Hatziprokopiou, P., & Papatzani, E., & Kraler, A., & Etzold, B.

The EU's shield and the institutionalisation of protracted displacement. TRAFIG Blog.


Other publications

Etzold, B.

(Im)Mobilität im Kontext von Gewalt - Stand der Forschung und wichtigste Forschungslücken. Fluchtforschungsblog.


Other publications

Ferreira, N., & Jacobs, C., & Kea, P., & Noack, M., & Hendow, M., & Tufa, F., & Alodat, A., & Ayalew, T., & Etzold, B., & Fogli, C., & Goumenos, T., & Hatziprokopiou, P., & Javed, M., & Kamanga, K., & Kraler, A., & Momani, F., & Roman, E.

Governing protracted displacement: An analysis across global, regional and domestic contexts (TRAFIG working paper 3). Bonn: BICC.



Journal Article

Etzold, B.

Violence, mobility and labour relations in Asia


Book chapter

Etzold, B.

Fragmentierungen im Feld des Asyls. Alte Hürden und neue Hierarchien beim Arbeitsmarktzugang von Geflüchteten in Deutschland

Beltz Juventa , Weinheim Basel (2019)

Book chapter

Sterly, H., & Etzold, B., & Wirkus, L., & Sakdapolrak, P., & Schleussner, C., & Hennig, B.

Assessing refugees’ onward mobility with mobile phone data—A case study of (Syrian) refugees in Turkey

Springer , Cham (2019)

Other publications

Etzold, B.

Fragmentierte Flucht nach Europa. In: Stadtforschung und Statistik 32 (2), S. 77–80.


Other publications

Etzold, B.

Auf der Flucht – (Im)Mobilisierung und (Im)Mobilität von Schutzsuchenden (State-of-Research Papier 04).

IMIS/BICC , Osnabrück (2019)

Other publications

Noack, M., & Etzold, B.

Transnational Figurations of Displacement: Exploring new solutions to protracted displacement (TRAFIG Practice Note No.1).

BICC , Bonn (2019)

Other publications

Etzold, B., & Belloni, M., & King, R., & Kraler, A., & Pastore, F.

Transnational Figurations of Displacement. Conceptualising protracted displacement and translocal connectivity through a process-oriented perspective (TRAFIG Working Paper 1/2019).

BICC , Bonn (2019)

Other publications

Kleist, J., & Engler, M., & Etzold, B., & Mielke, K., & Oltmer, J., & Pott, A., & Schetter, C., & Wirkus, L.

Abschlussbericht – Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung in Deutschland: Eine Bestandsaufnahme.

IMIS/BICC , Osnabrück (2019)

Other publications

Sterly, H., & Etzold, B., & Wirkus, L., & Sakdapolrak, P., & Schewe, J., & Schleussner, C., & Henning, B.

AROMA_CoDa: Assessing refugees’ onward mobility through the analysis of communication data. In Proceedings of the data for refugee challenge workshop (pp. 70-82).

Boğaziçi University , Istanbul (2019)

Journal Article

Sterly, H., & Etzold, B., & Peth, S.

Bangladesch – Beweggründe für Binnenmigration und translokale Lebensrealitäten



bicc Policy brief

Dick, E., & Schraven, B., & Koch, A., & Etzold, B.

Regional migration governance: Contributions to a sustainable international migration architecture

BICC , Bonn (2018)

Other publications

Etzold, B.

Vom Problem zur Chance: Migration in Zeiten des Klimawandels. Flucht-Migration-Integration Newsletter 01/2018.

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) , Berlin (2018)


Book chapter

Etzold, B.

Arbeit trotz Asyl? Erlebte Chancen und Hürden von Geflüchteten beim Zugang zu Arbeit

Springer , Heidelberg (2017)

Journal Article

Etzold, B.

Capitalising on asylum – The reconfiguration of refugees’ access to local fields of labour in Germany


Other publications

Etzold, B.

Dynamic livelihood trajectories in translocal spaces. A journey through four rooms of livelihood studies. TransRe Blog "Connecting the Spots".

University of Bonn, Geography Department , Bonn (2017)

Other publications

Etzold, B.

Migrations- und Fluchtpfade aus Afrika nach Europa. In Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Ed.), Kurzdossiers – Zuwanderung, Flucht und Asyl: Aktuelle Themen.


Book chapter

Etzold, B.

Mobility, space and livelihood trajectories. New perspectives on migration, translocality and place-making for livelihood studies

Brill Publications , Leiden (2017)

Other publications

Etzold, B., & Schimpl, H., & Hamm, ., & Sonnack, .

Dokumentation: "Lokale Konflikte um die Aufnahme und Unterbringung von Geflüchteten: Welchen Beitrag leisten Bürgerbeteiligung und Konfliktmediation vor Ort?".

BICC , Bonn (2017)


Journal Article

Sakdapolrak, P., & Etzold, B.

Editorial to the special section "Geographies of vulnerability and resilience - Critical explorations"

Geographical Society of Berlin , Berlin (2016)

Journal Article

Etzold, B., & Sakdapolrak, P.

Socio-spatialities of vulnerability: Towards a polymorphic perspective in vulnerability research

Die Erde , Berlin (2016)

Book chapter

Etzold, B., & Mallick, B.

Moving beyond the focus on environmental migration towards recognizing the normality of translocal lives: Insights from Bangladesh

Springer , Basel, Switzerland (2016)

Journal Article

Etzold, B.

Migration, informal labour and (trans)local productions of urban space – The case of Dhaka’s street food vendors



Journal Article

Etzold, B.

Raumaneignungen, Regeln und Profite in Dhakas Feld des Straßenhandels – Sozialgeographische Erklärungsversuche auf Grundlage von Bourdieus Theorie der Praxis




Etzold, B.

The politics of street food. Contested governance and vulnerabilities in Dhaka's field of street vending

Franz Steiner Verlag , Stuttgart (2013)

Journal Article

Etzold, B., & Ahmed, A., & Hassan, S., & Neelormi, S.

Clouds gather in the sky, but no rain falls. Vulnerability to rainfall variability and food insecurity in Northern Bangladesh and its effects on migration


Journal Article

Keck, M., & Etzold, B.

Resilience refused – Wasted potentials for improving food security in Dhaka

University of Bonn , Bonn (2013)



Etzold, B.

Illegalisierte Migration in der Flüssigen Moderne. Migration aus Afrika und die europäische Grenzsicherungspolitik

WVB , Berlin (2009)
