Carina Yıldırım-Schlüsing
Professional Career
Carina has worked in research projects on German arms exports, Kurdish actor networks in the Middle East, and the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus. She has provided advice to German ministries such as the GFFO and BMZ. At bicc, she currently supports the Scientific Advisory Board of the Interministerielle Arbeitsgruppe (IMAG) Salafismusprävention. She recently submitted a PhD thesis at the University of Bonn. She has been educated in Political Science and Cultural Anthropology at the Universities of Bonn (MA, 2015) and Göttingen (BA, 2012) and studied abroad at the Université Paris-Sorbonne and University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. She completed several internships, amongst others at the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) and the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy Hamburg (IFSH). During her studies she received a scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
Effects of the Israel-Gaza War on Syria: Multiple New Fronts
London School of Economics Middle East Blog , London (2024)
OpenRegional Impact of the Israel-Gaza War: Zooming-in on Iraq
London School of Economics Middle East Blog , London (2024)
OpenHow does the Israel-Gaza War affect Lebanon? Mass Displacement, High Levels of Attacks and Fear of Greater War
London School of Economics Middle East Blog , London (2024)
OpenTranslocality in War: Why Does it Matter?
London School of Economics Middle East Blog , London (2021)
OpenBewaffnete Konflikte: Deutsche Stabilisierungspolitik auf dem Prüfstand
LIT Verlag , Berlin (2018)
OpenDrohende Gewalteskalation nach dem Referendum: Wie kann deutsche Einflussnahme in Kurdistan-Irak deeskalierend wirken?
BICC , Bonn (2017)
OpenDie Risiken europäischer Waffenexporte. In F. Braunsdorf (Ed.), Fluchtursachen „Made in Europe“: Über europäische Politik und ihren Zusammenhang mit Migration und Flucht (pp. 9-12).
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Globale Politik und Entwicklung) , Berlin (2017)