
Carina Yıldırım-Schlüsing

Carina Yıldırım-Schlüsing


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+49-228-911 96-61

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Research Profile

Carina is interested in questions of ethnicity and conflict, dynamics within ethnopolitical movements, and translocal connections of armed actors. Her regional focus is on the Middle East with an interest in minority populations, so far specifically the Kurdish and Yazidi minorities. In her PhD thesis she combined figurational theory and empirical fieldwork to analyze translocal dynamics between pro-Kurdish armed actors of diverse state backgrounds. Empirically, she focused on their conflictive and cooperative interactions in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq and in local events in Shingal, Kobanê and Kirkuk during the war against Daesh (2014-2017). Recently, she further conducted research on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus and is interested in processes of transitional justice in the case of Syria. 

Research Topics / Key Expertise

Ethnopolitical conflict and movements


Figurational theory

Pro-Kurdish armed/political actors

Kurdish question in the Middle East

Kurdistan Region Iraq 

Countries Of Expertise

  • Iraq,
  • Syria

Professional Career

Carina has worked in research projects on German arms exports, Kurdish actor networks in the Middle East, and the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus. She has provided advice to German ministries such as the GFFO and BMZ. At bicc, she currently supports the Scientific Advisory Board of the Interministerielle Arbeitsgruppe (IMAG) Salafismusprävention. She recently submitted a PhD thesis at the University of Bonn. She has been educated in Political Science and Cultural Anthropology at the Universities of Bonn (MA, 2015) and Göttingen (BA, 2012) and studied abroad at the Université Paris-Sorbonne and University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. She completed several internships, amongst others at the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) and the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy Hamburg (IFSH). During her studies she received a scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Important Publications


Meininghaus, E., & Yıldırım-Schlüsing, C.

Effects of the Israel-Gaza War on Syria: Multiple New Fronts

London School of Economics Middle East Blog , London (2024)


Meininghaus, E., & Yıldırım-Schlüsing, C.

Regional Impact of the Israel-Gaza War: Zooming-in on Iraq

London School of Economics Middle East Blog , London (2024)


Meininghaus, E., & Yıldırım-Schlüsing, C.

How does the Israel-Gaza War affect Lebanon? Mass Displacement, High Levels of Attacks and Fear of Greater War

London School of Economics Middle East Blog , London (2024)


Yildirim-Schlüsing, C., & Meininghaus, E.

Yazidis in Germany: Don’t Deport - Negotiate


Book chapter

Schetter, C., & Haidara, B., & Meininghaus, E., & Yildirim-Schlüsing, C., & Debiel, T., & Dombrowski, S., & Noesselt, N., & Radtke, K., & Saalfeld, J., & Schmitz, J., & Weller, D., & Vüllers, J.

Nachhaltiger Frieden: Verwundbarkeit und Resilienz im Zeichen multipler Krisen

transcript , Bielefeld (2023)

Other publications

Meininghaus, E., & Schlüsing, C.

Translocality in War: Why Does it Matter?

London School of Economics Middle East Blog , London (2021)

Journal Article

Meininghaus, E., & Schlüsing, C.

War in Syria: The translocal dimension of fighter mobilization

Taylor & Francis (2020)

bicc Policy brief

Schlüsing, C., & Mielke, K.

Deutsches Engagement im Irak: Wie weniger mehr sein kann

BICC , Bonn (2018)

bicc Policy brief

Schlüsing, C., & Mielke, K.

Drohende Gewalteskalation nach dem Referendum: Wie kann deutsche Einflussnahme in Kurdistan-Irak deeskalierend wirken?

BICC , Bonn (2017)




Meininghaus, E., & Yıldırım-Schlüsing, C.

Effects of the Israel-Gaza War on Syria: Multiple New Fronts

London School of Economics Middle East Blog , London (2024)


Meininghaus, E., & Yıldırım-Schlüsing, C.

Regional Impact of the Israel-Gaza War: Zooming-in on Iraq

London School of Economics Middle East Blog , London (2024)


Meininghaus, E., & Yıldırım-Schlüsing, C.

How does the Israel-Gaza War affect Lebanon? Mass Displacement, High Levels of Attacks and Fear of Greater War

London School of Economics Middle East Blog , London (2024)



Yildirim-Schlüsing, C., & Meininghaus, E.

Yazidis in Germany: Don’t Deport - Negotiate


Book chapter

Schetter, C., & Haidara, B., & Meininghaus, E., & Yildirim-Schlüsing, C., & Debiel, T., & Dombrowski, S., & Noesselt, N., & Radtke, K., & Saalfeld, J., & Schmitz, J., & Weller, D., & Vüllers, J.

Nachhaltiger Frieden: Verwundbarkeit und Resilienz im Zeichen multipler Krisen

transcript , Bielefeld (2023)


Other publications

Meininghaus, E., & Schlüsing, C.

Translocality in War: Why Does it Matter?

London School of Economics Middle East Blog , London (2021)


Journal Article

Meininghaus, E., & Schlüsing, C.

War in Syria: The translocal dimension of fighter mobilization

Taylor & Francis (2020)


Book chapter

von Boemcken, M., & Meininghaus, E., & Mielke, K., & Schetter, C., & Schlüsing, C., & Trancart, C., & Wirkus, L.

Bewaffnete Konflikte: Deutsche Stabilisierungspolitik auf dem Prüfstand

LIT Verlag , Berlin (2018)

Book chapter

Debiel, T., & Hippler, J., & Meininghaus, E., & Schetter, C., & Schlüsing, C.

Fokus / Kriegerischer Zerfall im Nahen und Mittleren Osten

LIT Verlag , Berlin (2018)

bicc Policy brief

Schlüsing, C., & Mielke, K.

Deutsches Engagement im Irak: Wie weniger mehr sein kann

BICC , Bonn (2018)


bicc Policy brief

Schlüsing, C., & Mielke, K.

Drohende Gewalteskalation nach dem Referendum: Wie kann deutsche Einflussnahme in Kurdistan-Irak deeskalierend wirken?

BICC , Bonn (2017)

Other publications

Gurol, J., & Meininghaus, E., & Mutschler, M., & Schlüsing, C.

Die Risiken europäischer Waffenexporte. In F. Braunsdorf (Ed.), Fluchtursachen „Made in Europe“: Über europäische Politik und ihren Zusammenhang mit Migration und Flucht (pp. 9-12).

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Globale Politik und Entwicklung) , Berlin (2017)
