Christine Beeck
Professional Career
Christine has been working on the full range of WAM processes for 10+ year and has worked for a variety of organisations including IOM, the EU, Small Arms Survey, Saferworld among others. She has worked in a number of different capacities, including as Project Manager, Consultant, PSSM Coordinator and Research Consultant, and her tasks ranged from writing a project application for a Weapons Registration and Safe Storage project and a project description of a Weapons for Development component, to writing a case study on surplus military SALW in Germany for a larger project entitled "Identifying Surplus Military Small Arms". As executive editor in the training and education on Small Arms Project at bicc, her responsibilities included the development, writing and editing process of training modules on SALW and related issues.
Re-paving the road to peace: Analysis of the implementation of DD&R in Aceh Province, Indonesia
BICC , Bonn (2007)
OpenFollowing the election of the Governor in Aceh: Former war-torn province on its way to peace consolidation and stability
BICC , Bonn (2007)
OpenGlobal and Regional Agreements on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW)Control_Trainee
BICC , Bonn (2006)
OpenGlobal and Regional Agreements on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) Control_Trainer
BICC , Bonn (2006)