
Clara Schmitz-Pranghe

Clara Schmitz-Pranghe


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+49 228 911 96-78

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Research Profile

Clara's research focuses on the topic of forced migration, in particular, on local integration, return and reintegration as well as on transnational mobility and networks and has conducted field research in Germany, Peru, Ecuador, Uganda, Thailand, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Over the past years, she investigated reintegration trajectories of returnees to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia in the framework of the multi-year qualitative research project “Trajectories of reintegration: The impact of displacement, migration and return on social change”. She's currently working on the qualitative research project “Return and belonging after conflict-induced displacement (RE-MIG) focusing on Western Balkan countries.

Research Topics / Key Expertise

Forced displacement, local integration, return and (re-) integration

Transnational networks and mobility

Non-state armed actors

Countries Of Expertise

  • Bosnia-Herzegovina,
  • Serbia,
  • Thailand,
  • Uganda,
  • Ecuador,
  • Peru

Professional Career

Clara graduated in Regional Sciences of Latin America at the University of Cologne, a course of studies which combines political science, economics, Ibero–American history and Spanish. During her studies she spent one semester in Spain and several months in Mexico and Peru. In her thesis, she examined the structural change of violence in the post-conflict context of Central America analysing Central American youth gangs. In 2006, she joined bicc and worked since then on various projects in the field of conflict studies and forced migration studies.

Important Publications

bicc Working paper

Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

The Role of Mobility, Networks and Reintegration Assistance after Return. Insights from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

BICC , Bonn (2023)

bicc Policy brief

Schmitz-Pranghe, C., & Oruč, N., & Mielke, K., & Ibričević, A.

Making sure that the emigration of health-care personnel from Albania and BiH works for all: What Germany can do

BICC , Bonn (2020)

Journal Article

Horstmann, A., & Rudolf, M., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Cyclical, temporary, no return. Multiple navigational strategies of displaced persons from Myanmar


bicc Policy brief

Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Schutz, Versöhnung und Zugang zu Rechten für Geflüchtete in Ecuador

BICC , Bonn (2018)

Book chapter

Warnecke, A., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Diasporaengagement für Entwicklung und Frieden. Handlungsspielräume und Kapazitäten der äthiopischen Diaspora in Deutschland

BAMF, GIZ , Nürnberg (2011)



Other publications

Mielke, K., & Şahin-Mencütek, Z., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C., & Vollmer, R.

Zurück zu Hause oder zurück "in der Hölle"?

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (2023)

Other publications

Şahin-Mencütek, Z., & Mielke, K., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C., & Vollmer, R.

When Returning Home Feels Like Hell

IPS Journal (2023)

bicc Working paper

Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

The Role of Mobility, Networks and Reintegration Assistance after Return. Insights from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

BICC , Bonn (2023)


Book chapter

Rudolf, M., & Schetter, C., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Kriege und Konflikte - Zentrale Trends globaler Flucht

Oekom Verlag , München (2022)


bicc Policy brief

Schmitz-Pranghe, C., & Oruč, N., & Mielke, K., & Ibričević, A.

Making sure that the emigration of health-care personnel from Albania and BiH works for all: What Germany can do

BICC , Bonn (2020)

bicc Policy brief

Rudolf, M., & Schetter, C., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

"Leaving them behind" - Global trends in forced migration

bicc , Bonn (2020)


Journal Article

Horstmann, A., & Rudolf, M., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Cyclical, temporary, no return. Multiple navigational strategies of displaced persons from Myanmar


Book chapter

Debiel, T., & Hinz, S., & Johannsen, M., & Saalfeld, J., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C., & Vollmer, R.

Nachhaltiger Frieden: Flucht und Gewalt

LIT , Berlin (2019)

bicc Working paper

Bohnet, H., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Uganda: A role model for refugee integration?

BICC , Bonn (2019)


bicc Policy brief

Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Schutz, Versöhnung und Zugang zu Rechten für Geflüchtete in Ecuador

BICC , Bonn (2018)

bicc Working paper

Rudolf, M., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Beyond aid: The continuous struggle to cope with displacement in Myanmar and Thailand

BICC , Bonn (2018)


bicc Working paper

Müller-Koné, M., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C., & Schetter, C.

Flucht und Binnenvertreibung in Asien: Ansatzpunkte für und Grenzen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

BICC , Bonn (2017)


bicc Knowledge notes

von Boemcken, M., & Ashkenazi, M., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Commercial security and development: Findings from Timor-Leste, Liberia and Peru

bicc , Bonn (2012)


Other publications

Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Central American youth gangs – A transnational social conflict. Digital Development Debates, Issue 5.


Book chapter

Warnecke, A., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Diasporaengagement für Entwicklung und Frieden. Handlungsspielräume und Kapazitäten der äthiopischen Diaspora in Deutschland

BAMF, GIZ , Nürnberg (2011)


bicc Knowledge notes

Warnecke, A., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Diasporas and peace: A comparative assessment of Somali and Ethiopian communities in Europe

BICC , Bonn (2010)

Other publications

Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Modes and potential of diaspora engagement in Eritrea (DIASPEACE Working Paper No. 3).


Other publications

Höhne, M., & Feyissa, D., & Abdile, M., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Differentiating the diaspora: Reflections on diasporic engagement ‘for peace’ in the Horn of Africa (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers No. 124).

Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology , Halle/Saale (2010)
