
Dr Dirk Hansohm

Dr Dirk Hansohm

Associate Researcher

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+254 707 661 001

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Research Topics / Key Expertise

Research, policy advice and training in economic policy reform & governance, capacity-building, in particular in conflict and post-conflict countries

Countries Of Expertise

  • Kenya,
  • Namibia,
  • South Sudan,
  • Sudan,
  • Zimbabwe

Professional Career

Dirk Hansohm is an economist who received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Kiel, and his Master of Arts as well as his PhD from the University of Bremen. He wrote his PhD thesis on “Small Industry Development in Africa. Lessons from Sudan.”
Dirk Hansohm provided consultancy input on “Micro-economic Effects of Violent Conflict on Firms and Employment” for the BICC project “Sustainable Employment under Construction: Peace and Stability Strategies for the Private Sector in Afghanistan” in 2014.
1984–91: Research associate of Sudan Economy Research Group, University of Bremen
1991–94: Senior research fellow, Department of Development Studies (preparation, resource mobilisation, and teaching for post-graduate course on “Small Enterprise Promotion and Training”, sponsored by the DAAD.
1992 and1993: Consultant for ILO at African Regional Labour Administration Centre (training for policymakers as well as development of training material on policy reform, labour market and social partners)
1994–2000: Senior researcher at Namibia Economic Policy Research Unit (NEPRU) (policy advice, research, publications on economic policymaking, government institution-building, reintegration of ex-combatants, trade & regional integration, employment creation & poverty reduction, industry and private sector)
2000–2006: Director of NEPRU (policy advice and research, member of National Planning Commission, President's Adisory Council, other government committees, policy advice and research for SADC)
2002–2006: Co-ordinator of Southern and Eastern Policy Research Network (SEAPREN)
2006–2007: Senior economic advisor to UNDP country office Sudan (incl. economic reconstruction, peacebuilding, covering Sudan and southern Sudan)
2008–2011: Team leader of Sudan EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement) negotiations and implementation support project (EU funded)
2011: Consultant to Hanns-Seidel-Foundation on “Democratisation, state building and economic development in South Sudan” (recommendations for potential development interventions)
2012–2013: Technical advisor to Kenyan Ministry of East African Community (capacity-building support by setting up Research and Policy Unit)
2013–current: Economic advisor to EU Delegation to Sudan (economic reporting, advice on post-conflict reconstruction and policymaking, economic impacts of and on refugees and IDPs)
Collaboration with BICC:
He is collaborating with BICC in the framework of the research project “Conflict Sensitive Employment under Construction: Peace and Stability Strategies for the Private Sector in Afghanistan” funded by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NOW). The project is running from 2015 to 2018.


bicc Working paper

Grawert, E., & Hansohm, D., & Nusrat, R.

Is conflict sensitivity applicable to employment?

BICC , Bonn (2017)
