
Janosch Prinz
Associate Researcher
Professional Career
Key expertise
Political theory / Political philosophy
Democratic legitimacy
Legitimation discourses in the war on terror
Political geography
(Academic) education / CV:
Janosch Prinz holds a PhD in Political Theory from the University of Sheffield, UK (2015), and a Magister Artium in Political Science (Major) from the University of Bonn, Germany (2010).
He currently serves as an Assistant Professor in Social and Political Philosophy at Maastricht University. Before joining Maastricht, he was a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of East Anglia (2017-2019) and a temporary lecturer in political theory at Queen's University Belfast (2015-2017).
He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) (July 2016) a member of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW) (since 2010) and the Political Studies Association UK (PSA) (since 2014).