140 search results of „senegal“
[PDF Document] bicc_jahresbericht_2005_2006.pdf (683.48 KB)
JAHRESBERICHT 20052006 2 Mitarbeit am Jahresbericht 20052006 Projektleitung Susanne Heinke Autoren Dr Volker Böge Marc von Boemcken Julie Brethfeld Dr Michael Brzoska Peter J Croll Michael Dedek Susanne Heinke Willem Jaspers Dr Hartmut Küchle Tobias Pietz Lars Wirkus Lektorat Susanne Heinke Elvan Isikozlu Übersetzungen Lynn Benstead englisch Brigitte Steinmetz deutsch Layout und Publikationsmanagement Svenja Bends Bildbearbeitung Christian Kraft Sonstige Mitarbeit Anja Chichowitz ... -
[PDF Document] bicc_annual_report_2005_2006_02.pdf (690.29 KB)
ANNUAL REPORT 20052006 2 Contributions to the Annual Report 20052006 Project leader Susanne Heinke Authors Dr Volker Böge Marc von Boemcken Julie Brethfeld Dr Michael Brzoska Peter J Croll Michael Dedek Susanne Heinke Willem Jaspers Dr Hartmut Küchle Tobias Pietz Lars Wirkus Proofreading Susanne Heinke Elvan Isikozlu Heike Webb Translations Lynn Benstead English Brigitte Steinmetz German Layout and publishing management Svenja Bends Picture graphics Christian Kraft Additional suppo... -
[PDF Document] bicc_jahresbericht_2005_2006_01.pdf (683.48 KB)
JAHRESBERICHT 20052006 2 Mitarbeit am Jahresbericht 20052006 Projektleitung Susanne Heinke Autoren Dr Volker Böge Marc von Boemcken Julie Brethfeld Dr Michael Brzoska Peter J Croll Michael Dedek Susanne Heinke Willem Jaspers Dr Hartmut Küchle Tobias Pietz Lars Wirkus Lektorat Susanne Heinke Elvan Isikozlu Übersetzungen Lynn Benstead englisch Brigitte Steinmetz deutsch Layout und Publikationsmanagement Svenja Bends Bildbearbeitung Christian Kraft Sonstige Mitarbeit Anja Chichowitz ... -
[PDF Document] Global_and_Regional_Agreements_on_SALW_Control_TRAINEE.pdf (1.51 MB)
Global and Regional Agreements on Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW Control module GRA 06B02 Global and Regional Agreements on Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW Control written by Mike Bourne Centre for International Cooperation and Security University of Bradford UK and the TRESA team module GRA 06B02 TRESA modules are produced by the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC under a special grant from the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung Federal Mini... -
[PDF Document] BICC_WP_3_2017_web_01.pdf (484.24 KB)
3 2017 WORKING PAPER All Day Waiting Konflikte in Unterkünften für Geflüchtete in NRW Simone Christ BICC Esther Meininghaus BICC Tim Röing BICC Gefördert durch WORKING PAPER 3 2017 KONFLIKTE IN UNTERKÜNFTEN FÜR GEFLÜCHTETE IN NRW SIMONE CHRIST ESTHER MEININGHAUS TIM RÖING ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die vorliegende Studie argumentiert dass ein Großteil von Konflikten in Unterbringungen für Geflüchtete auf strukturelle Ursachen zurückzuführen ist Hierzu zählen die Funktionsweise des Asylregimes... -
[PDF Document] small_arms_report.pdf (892.02 KB)
REPORT Small arms and security A joint publication by Bonn International Center for Conversion British American Security Information Council Saferworld and Small Arms Survey Disposal of surplus small arms A survey of policies and practices in OSCE countries Ten case studies edited and compiled by Sami Faltas and Vera Chrobok January 2004 Disposal of surplus small arms A survey of policies and practices in OSCE countries Ten case studies edited and compiled by Sami Faltas and Vera Chrobok A... -
[PDF Document] small_arms_report.pdf (892.02 KB)
REPORT Small arms and security A joint publication by Bonn International Center for Conversion British American Security Information Council Saferworld and Small Arms Survey Disposal of surplus small arms A survey of policies and practices in OSCE countries Ten case studies edited and compiled by Sami Faltas and Vera Chrobok January 2004 Disposal of surplus small arms A survey of policies and practices in OSCE countries Ten case studies edited and compiled by Sami Faltas and Vera Chrobok A... -
[PDF Document] brief38.pdf (1.52 MB)
brief 38 Digging for Peace Private Companies and Emerging Economies in Zones of Conflict Contents Preface WolfChristian Paes 4 PreEvent Gisa Roesen and Estelle Agnes Levin 7 1 Initial Addresses 11 10 Years of Fatal Transactions Anne Jung 12 Opening Speech Peter Eigen 14 Keynote Speeches Resource Governance A Perspective from Botswana HE Festus Mogae 17 Resources for Development German Government Perspective Adolf KlokeLesch 20 Context Resources for Peace Ricardo Soares de Olivei... -
[PDF Document] WP_3_2019_Refugee_Shelters_01.pdf (1.29 MB)
3 2019 WORKING PAPER All Day Waiting Causes of conflict in refugee shelters in Germany Simone Christ BICC Esther Meininghaus BICC Tim Röing BICC Gefördert durch WORKING PAPER 3 2019 CAUSES OF CONFLICT IN REFUGEE SHELTERS IN GERMANY SIMONE CHRIST ESTHER MEININGHAUS TIM RÖING SUMMARY This Working Paper argues that conflicts in refugee shelters in Germany can largely be attributed to structural causes These include the asylum regime the interplay between the physical layout and socia... -
[PDF Document] BICC_AR_2019_02.pdf (2.17 MB)
ANNUAL REPORT JAHRESBERICHT 2019 ENGA BICC staff member doing field research in northern Mali in July 2019 The researcher is talking to excombatants and members of the MOC Mécanisme Opérationnel de Coordination in Gao The MOC camps host members of signatory armed movements compliant armed groups and the Malian Armed Forces FAMA who are taking part in mixed patrols as envisaged by the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali DEUWährend ihrer Feldforschung im Juli 2019 in Mali spricht ei...
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