578 search results of „chad“
[Press] New publication \ Country report Chad
- Chad with its volatile security situation is one of the most repressive dictatorships on the African continent. Citing the bad human rights situation and the domestic situation, Germany refused major arms exports to the country. The current Country Report Chad of the Peace and Conflict Research institute BICC gives an overview over basic data on the military sector and investigates the position of the country in relation to criteria of the EU Common Position on arms exp...
- Friday, 3 April 2020: The Sudanese-Chadian Joint Border Force was established after the rapprochement between Chad and Sudan brought an end to a decade of heavy conflict and proxy wars fought between the two coun
[PDF Document] brief41_fr.pdf (3.46 MB)
brief 41 On nous a promis développement la misère est tout ce que nous avons Limpact du pétrole sur les dynamiques de conflit au Tchad Table des matières Liste des acronymes et abréviations 4 Résumé exécutif 7 Remerciements 7 Introduction 8 1 Le contexte du conflit 11 11 Lhistoire des conflits au Tchad 12 12 Le contexte actuel du conflit 12 13 Tentatives de paix 19 2 Gestion des richesses pétrolières 21 21 Impact de la richesse en ressources sur des États fragiles 22 22 ... -
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- Risky Business Engaging Vigilante Groups in the Lake Chad Basin
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- Risky Business Engaging Vigilante Groups in the Lake Chad Basin
[PDF Document] brief41.pdf (4.33 MB)
brief 41 We were promised development and all we got is misery The Influence of Petroleum on Conflict Dynamics in Chad Contents 5 New oil fields in Chad 55 7 51 Carte blanche for non compliance with environmental standards 56 8 52 Opaque information policy 57 53 The social dimension 58 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 4 Executive Summary 7 Acknowledgments Introduction 1 Conflict Background 10 11 A history of conflicts in Chad 11 Conclusion 64 12 The current conflict setu... -
[Project] SARCOM: Sub-regional small arms control mechanism - Sudan, Chad etc.
- Since November 2012, BICC is supporting efforts to control the proliferation of small arms and light weapons in Sudan and its Western and Southern neighbours CAR, Chad, DRC, Libya and South Sudan, which signed a treating forming the Sub-regional Arms Control Mechanism (SARCOM). The project works at different levels: at the local level in West Darfur, BICC supports community-based efforts at SALW control and armed violence reduction through local committees of traditional leaders. At...
- SARCOM: Sub-regional small arms control mechanism - Sudan, Chad etc.
[Project] SARCOM: Sub-regional small arms control mechanism - Sudan, Chad etc.
- Since November 2012, BICC is supporting efforts to control the proliferation of small arms and light weapons in Sudan and its Western and Southern neighbours CAR, Chad, DRC, Libya and South Sudan, which signed a treating forming the Sub-regional Arms Control Mechanism (SARCOM). The project works at different levels: at the local level in West Darfur, BICC supports community-based efforts at SALW control and armed violence reduction through local committees of traditional leaders. At...
- SARCOM: Sub-regional small arms control mechanism - Sudan, Chad etc.
[Project] SARCOM: Sub-regional small arms control mechanism - Sudan, Chad etc.
- Since November 2012, BICC is supporting efforts to control the proliferation of small arms and light weapons in Sudan and its Western and Southern neighbours CAR, Chad, DRC, Libya and South Sudan, which signed a treating forming the Sub-regional Arms Control Mechanism (SARCOM). The project works at different levels: at the local level in West Darfur, BICC supports community-based efforts at SALW control and armed violence reduction through local committees of traditional leaders. At...
- SARCOM: Sub-regional small arms control mechanism - Sudan, Chad etc.
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- Risky Business Engaging Vigilante Groups in the Lake Chad Basin
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- How to Stop Jihadi Banditry from Becoming the New Normal in the Lake Chad Basin
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