
251 search results of „angola“

  • [Project] The Role of External Actors in civil war economies in Sub-Saharan Africa

    • Since 2003, a research programme at BICC on so-called war economies has aimed to shed light on the specific impact of external economic actors, a diverse group that includes multinationals, (neighbouring) countries, private persons, local firms, etc. on the conflict situation. One of the guiding questions was what constitutes a war economy, and how its structural features differ from a 'normal' situation. Subject to analysis were countries and regions in Sub-Sahara Africa, where a vast number of...
  • [Project] The Role of External Actors in civil war economies in Sub-Saharan Africa

    • Since 2003, a research programme at BICC on so-called war economies has aimed to shed light on the specific impact of external economic actors, a diverse group that includes multinationals, (neighbouring) countries, private persons, local firms, etc. on the conflict situation. One of the guiding questions was what constitutes a war economy, and how its structural features differ from a 'normal' situation. Subject to analysis were countries and regions in Sub-Sahara Africa, where a vast number of...
  • [PDF Document] paper27.pdf   (454.39 KB)

    paper 27 Sustaining the Peace in Angola An Overview of Current Demobilisation Disarmament and Reintegration Sustaining the Peace in Angola An Overview of Current Demobilisation Disarmament and Reintegration by João Gomes Porto and Imogen Parsons Published by BICC Bonn 2003 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde Table of contents Table of contents Preface...
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  • [PDF Document] paper27.pdf   (454.39 KB)

    paper 27 Sustaining the Peace in Angola An Overview of Current Demobilisation Disarmament and Reintegration Sustaining the Peace in Angola An Overview of Current Demobilisation Disarmament and Reintegration by João Gomes Porto and Imogen Parsons Published by BICC Bonn 2003 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde Table of contents Table of contents Preface...
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  • [Project] Transboundary water management and crisis prevention

    • How can the different interests of riparian states in international waters be taken into account or balanced? Can such settlements perhaps even act as an example for solving other conflict situations? How can one achieve a fair distribution of domestic and inter-state water resources? A BICC project is dealing with questions of the conflict potential of cross-border and domestic water management within the framework of various studies, publications, conferences and workshops. This project focuse...
  • [Project] Transboundary water management and crisis prevention

    • How can the different interests of riparian states in international waters be taken into account or balanced? Can such settlements perhaps even act as an example for solving other conflict situations? How can one achieve a fair distribution of domestic and inter-state water resources? A BICC project is dealing with questions of the conflict potential of cross-border and domestic water management within the framework of various studies, publications, conferences and workshops. This project focuse...
  • [Project] Transboundary water management and crisis prevention

    • How can the different interests of riparian states in international waters be taken into account or balanced? Can such settlements perhaps even act as an example for solving other conflict situations? How can one achieve a fair distribution of domestic and inter-state water resources? A BICC project is dealing with questions of the conflict potential of cross-border and domestic water management within the framework of various studies, publications, conferences and workshops. This project focuse...
  • [PDF Document] brief33.pdf   (813.78 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN brief 33 Water Governance in Southern Africa Cooperation and Conflict Prevention in Transboundary River Basins brief 33 Contents Introduction The global water crisisA crisis of governance 4 The context of natural resources and conflict or Why water is a special case 10 The context of weak states or Why water governance beyond the state 15 The international level Transboundary water management in Southern Afri...
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  • [PDF Document] booklet_kirchentag.pdf   (298.82 KB)

    Armer reicher Kontinent Konfliktressourcen in Afrika Afrika Konflikte und Ressourcen Karte Ingo ThielBICC Liebe Leserin lieber Leser V iele afrikanische Länder verfügen über bedeutende Rohstoffvorkommen wie zB Gold Diamanten Kupfer und Coltan Trotz dieses Reichtums herrschen in vielen dieser Staaten schwere gewaltsame Konflikte oder sie befinden sich in der schwierigen Übergangsphase nach einem Kriegsende Verantwortungsvoll gefördert und genutzt könnten diese Bodenschätze ein Motor für Wirtsch...
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  • [PDF Document] booklet_kirchentag_01.pdf   (298.82 KB)

    Armer reicher Kontinent Konfliktressourcen in Afrika Afrika Konflikte und Ressourcen Karte Ingo ThielBICC Liebe Leserin lieber Leser V iele afrikanische Länder verfügen über bedeutende Rohstoffvorkommen wie zB Gold Diamanten Kupfer und Coltan Trotz dieses Reichtums herrschen in vielen dieser Staaten schwere gewaltsame Konflikte oder sie befinden sich in der schwierigen Übergangsphase nach einem Kriegsende Verantwortungsvoll gefördert und genutzt könnten diese Bodenschätze ein Motor für Wirtsch...
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