
188 search results of „burkina faso“

  • [PDF Document] How_can_the_HDP_work_from_the_bottom-up.pdf   (3.84 MB)

    report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 6 The research ...
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  • [PDF Document] How_can_the_HDP_work_from_the_bottom-up.pdf   (3.84 MB)

    report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 6 The research ...
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  • [PDF Document] How_can_the_HDP_work_from_the_bottom-up.pdf   (3.84 MB)

    report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 6 The research ...
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  • [PDF Document] kleinwaffenbroschuere.pdf   (116.49 KB)

    Kleinwaffen Eine Bedrohung für die dritte Welt WolfChristian Paes Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC Der Autor WolfChristian Paes MA Mag Rer Publ Jahrgang 1973 Studium der Politikwissenschaft und Internationalen Beziehungen Universität Bonn und Stellenbosch Südafrika sowie Verwaltungswissenschaften in Speyer Projektleiter am Internationalen Konversionszentrum Bonn BICC zu den Themengebieten Kleinwaffen Demobilisierung und Kriegsökonomie Impressum Herausgeber Bischöfliches Hilfswer...
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  • [PDF Document] How_can_the_HDP_work_from_the_bottom-up.pdf   (4.17 MB)

    report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 11 The research...
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  • [PDF Document] brief36.pdf   (2.82 MB)

    brief 36 The SecurityMigration Nexus Published by BICC Bonn International Center for Conversion Internationales Konversionszentrum Bonn GmbH An der Elisabethkirche 25 53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911 960 Fax 4922824 12 15 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde ISSN 09477322 Director Peter J Croll Editors Jerry Sommer Andrea Warnecke Copy editing Heike Webb Joe Farha Support Joe Farha Clara Fischer Zac Hall Susanne Heinke Helen Radeke Manisha Samal Ruth Vollmer Layout Katharina Moraht Photos D...
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  • [PDF Document] Global_and_Regional_Agreements_on_SALW_Control_TRAINEE.pdf   (1.51 MB)

    Global and Regional Agreements on Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW Control module GRA 06B02 Global and Regional Agreements on Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW Control written by Mike Bourne Centre for International Cooperation and Security University of Bradford UK and the TRESA team module GRA 06B02 TRESA modules are produced by the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC under a special grant from the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung Federal Mini...
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  • [PDF Document] brief38.pdf   (1.52 MB)

    brief 38 Digging for Peace Private Companies and Emerging Economies in Zones of Conflict Contents Preface WolfChristian Paes 4 PreEvent Gisa Roesen and Estelle Agnes Levin 7 1 Initial Addresses 11 10 Years of Fatal Transactions Anne Jung 12 Opening Speech Peter Eigen 14 Keynote Speeches Resource Governance A Perspective from Botswana HE Festus Mogae 17 Resources for Development German Government Perspective Adolf KlokeLesch 20 Context Resources for Peace Ricardo Soares de Olivei...
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  • [PDF Document] paper21.pdf   (576.49 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN paper 21 Voice and accountability in the security sector July 2002 BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN Voice and accountability in the security sector Report prepared for Human Development Report Office By Nicole Ball and Michael Brzoska with Kees Kingma and Herbert Wulf Published by BICC Bonn 2002 Voice and accountability in the security sector Contents I II...
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  • [PDF Document] ress_konf_studie_tangguh.pdf   (1.11 MB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN Das BP Tangguh Erdgasprojekt in WestPapua Indonesien Ressourcenextraktion in einem fragilen Umfeld F ALLSTUDIE Das BP Tangguh Erdgasprojekt in WestPapuaIndonesien Ressourcenextraktion in einem fragilen Umfeld Fallstudie im Rahmen des Themenfelds Ressourcen und Konflikte Teilprojekt 1 Natürliche Ressourcen Umweltzerstörung und gewaltsamer Konfliktaustrag Zum Verhältnis von Unternehmen und lokalen Gemeinschafte...
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