
188 search results of „burkina faso“

  • [Publication] The Spread of Jihadism in the Sahel. Part 2

    Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
    • Following the occupation of northern Mali by jihadist groups in 2012, the national and international military response failed to counter their influence. Having spread to neighbouring countries of Burkina Faso and Niger, jihadism is now on the doorstep of some countries in the Gulf of Guinea, such as Togo and Benin. This article analyses in three parts the main factors that have been exploited (instrumentalised) by these jihadist groups in the Sahel, a strategy that they could ...
  • [Project] Supporting small arms and light weapons (SALW) control in Africa

    • This project continues the work undertaken in previous projects:  Capacity development and advice on SALW control in Africa (August 2018 - March 2021)  Physical security and stockpile management (PSSM), capacity development and technical advice in West Africa (January 2016 - July 2018) Physical security and stockpile management (PSSM), capacity development and technical advice in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa (January 2016 - July 2018)  Our work is based on a multi-level approa...
  • [Project] Supporting small arms and light weapons (SALW) control in Africa

    • This project continues the work undertaken in previous projects:  Capacity development and advice on SALW control in Africa (August 2018 - March 2021)  Physical security and stockpile management (PSSM), capacity development and technical advice in West Africa (January 2016 - July 2018) Physical security and stockpile management (PSSM), capacity development and technical advice in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa (January 2016 - July 2018)  Our work is based on a multi-level approa...
  • [Project] Supporting small arms and light weapons (SALW) control in Africa

    • This project continues the work undertaken in previous projects:  Capacity development and advice on SALW control in Africa (August 2018 - March 2021)  Physical security and stockpile management (PSSM), capacity development and technical advice in West Africa (January 2016 - July 2018) Physical security and stockpile management (PSSM), capacity development and technical advice in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa (January 2016 - July 2018)  Our work is based on a multi-level approa...
  • [Publication] Today’s solution, tomorrow’s problem? An analysis of West African practices in the use of pro-government militias.

    • In this Paper, I address the question of whether and under what circumstances the deployment of pro-government militias (PGMs) can reduce violence against civilians, specifically in the Sahel. My analysis— based on a literature review and case studies on Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria—suggests that rather than representing a solution, PGMs tend to become part of the problem. In most cases, PGMs actively carry out acts of violence against civilians or passively cont...
  • [Publication] Today’s solution, tomorrow’s problem? An analysis of West African practices in the use of pro-government militias.

    • In this Paper, I address the question of whether and under what circumstances the deployment of pro-government militias (PGMs) can reduce violence against civilians, specifically in the Sahel. My analysis— based on a literature review and case studies on Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria—suggests that rather than representing a solution, PGMs tend to become part of the problem. In most cases, PGMs actively carry out acts of violence against civilians or passively cont...
  • [Page] Pilot Project for the Multi-dimensional Measurement of Militarisation

    • This project allows BICC to continue capacity development activities for the African Union as well as for select focus states in the Sahel region Burkina Faso Chad Sudan and in the Horn of Africa Uganda Somalia Djibouti It will complement activities implemented in the framework of its West African sister project Nigeria and Mali as well as other BICC project activities on security sector reform SSRdisarmament demobilization and reintegration DDR in South SudanBICC has supported PSS...
  • [Page] Pilot Project for the Multi-dimensional Measurement of Militarisation

    • This project allows BICC to continue capacity development activities for the African Union as well as for select focus states in the Sahel region Burkina Faso Chad Sudan and in the Horn of Africa Uganda Somalia Djibouti It will complement activities implemented in the framework of its West African sister project Nigeria and Mali as well as other BICC project activities on security sector reform SSRdisarmament demobilization and reintegration DDR in South SudanBICC has supported PSS...
  • [Page] Pilot Project for the Multi-dimensional Measurement of Militarisation

    • This project allows BICC to continue capacity development activities for the African Union as well as for select focus states in the Sahel region Burkina Faso Chad Sudan and in the Horn of Africa Uganda Somalia Djibouti It will complement activities implemented in the framework of its West African sister project Nigeria and Mali as well as other BICC project activities on security sector reform SSRdisarmament demobilization and reintegration DDR in South SudanBICC has supported PSS...
  • [Page] Pilot Project for the Multi-dimensional Measurement of Militarisation

    • This project allows BICC to continue capacity development activities for the African Union as well as for select focus states in the Sahel region Burkina Faso Chad Sudan and in the Horn of Africa Uganda Somalia Djibouti It will complement activities implemented in the framework of its West African sister project Nigeria and Mali as well as other BICC project activities on security sector reform SSRdisarmament demobilization and reintegration DDR in South SudanBICC has supported PSS...