183 search results of „burundi“
[PDF Document] BICC_Working_Paper_1_2020.pdf (1.04 MB)
WORKING PAPER 1 2020 Immobilisation restricted spatial mobility and displacement in violent conflict Humanitarian needs of confined communities in Colombia Markus Rudolf BICC WORKING PAPER 1 2020 IMMOBILISATION RESTRICTED SPATIAL MOBILITY AND DISPLACEMENT IN VIOLENT CONFLICT M RUDOLF SUMMARY Putting the humanitariandevelopment nexus into practice aid organisations and donors pay most attention to camp populations in protracted refugee situations PRS This Paper argues that synergies a... -
[PDF Document] BICC_Feature01_en.pdf (1.67 MB)
BICC FEATURE The Challenge of Managing Stateowned Small Arms and Light Weapons in South Sudan By Marius Kahl C ountries emerging from a long period of armed conflict have to find solutions for getting widespread possession of small arms and light weapons SALW and related trade flows under control The Republic of South Sudan RSS is a case in point According to estimates 27 million SALW are available in the whole of the former Sudan with around 720000 in the hands of civilians in the RSS1 The r... -
[PDF Document] bulletin31.pdf (637.81 KB)
No 31 bulletin May 2004 nniversaries are always an occasion to draw a I cannot conceive a better location than Bonn for balance and look backbut also to look such a center of competence I am therefore delighted ahead and to ask what is to be done for the future that this year the City of Bonn and BICC have entered and whether one is properly equipped for the into a partnership This once again underlines the task attractiveness of Bonn as an international city of science The diverse problems ... -
[PDF Document] bulletin41.pdf (228.24 KB)
bulletin No 41 JanuaryMarch 2007 A Proposal to End Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity by Dr Robert Zuber A ll of us have been deeply affected by a new set of global horrors represented by Darfur Congo and Somalia making the need for reform in UN and regional peacekeeping operations more urgent than ever In response to that need a committed group of academics policymakers and civil society leaders is spearheading the development of a United Nations Emergency Peace Service UNEPS UNEPS is org... -
[PDF Document] bicc_focus_2_darfur.pdf (76.9 KB)
BICC FOCUS Zwischen Ignoranz Delegation und dem Ruf nach militärischem Aktionismus Die internationale Staatengemeinschaft und der Konflikt in Darfur von Helen Radeke und WolfChristian Paes D ie sudanesische Krisenprovinz Darfur im Oktober 2006 Während die Vereinten Nationen VN von der größten humanitären Katastrophe der Gegenwart und die Regierung in Washington sogar von einem Völkermord spricht ist die Zukunft der Friedenstruppe AMIS African Union Mission in Sudan weiter ungeklärt Nach dem anf... -
[PDF Document] policy_paper3_flucht_final_121115.pdf (205.91 KB)
3 2015 POLICY BRIEF Freiwillige Rückkehr von Flüchtlingen Chancen für Frieden und nachhaltige Entwicklung Heidrun Bohnet BICC Markus Rudolf BICC Empfehlungen Rückkehr bedeutet nicht dass eine vertriebene Person Die Vertriebenen einbeziehen und ihr Potenzial nutzen an genau den Ort zurückkehrt von dem sie geflohen Die Tragfähigkeit von Rückkehr und Frieden hängt ist Sie ist weniger das Ende eines Kreislaufs als der zu einem beträchtlichen Teil davon ab ob die Beginn einer Wiederein... -
[PDF Document] policy_paper3_flucht_e_121115.pdf (156.8 KB)
3 2015 POLICY BRIEF Voluntary Return of Refugees Chances for Peace and Sustainable Development Heidrun Bohnet BICC Markus Rudolf BICC Recommendations Understand return as a new beginning Include the voices and skills of the displaced Return does not mean that displaced persons will The sustainability of return and peace is determined return to exactly the same place from which they fled to a large extent by the participation of refugees It is less the end of a cycle but rather a n... -
[PDF Document] bicc_focus_2_darfur.pdf (76.9 KB)
BICC FOCUS Zwischen Ignoranz Delegation und dem Ruf nach militärischem Aktionismus Die internationale Staatengemeinschaft und der Konflikt in Darfur von Helen Radeke und WolfChristian Paes D ie sudanesische Krisenprovinz Darfur im Oktober 2006 Während die Vereinten Nationen VN von der größten humanitären Katastrophe der Gegenwart und die Regierung in Washington sogar von einem Völkermord spricht ist die Zukunft der Friedenstruppe AMIS African Union Mission in Sudan weiter ungeklärt Nach dem anf... -
[PDF Document] PRIF_Spotlight_13_2023_barrierefrei.pdf (1.21 MB)
13 2023 BACK IN BUSINESS OR NEVER OUT Military Coups and Political Militarization in SubSahara Africa This Spotlight discusses the resurgence of military coups in SubSaharan Africa We argue that an analytical and political focus on coup events misses out on the bigger picture of military influence in politics Introducing the new Multidimensional Measures of Militarization M3 dataset we demonstrate that African countries that were part of the recent wave of coups previously showed signs of pol... -
[PDF Document] PRIF_Spotlight_13_2023_barrierefrei.pdf (1.21 MB)
13 2023 BACK IN BUSINESS OR NEVER OUT Military Coups and Political Militarization in SubSahara Africa This Spotlight discusses the resurgence of military coups in SubSaharan Africa We argue that an analytical and political focus on coup events misses out on the bigger picture of military influence in politics Introducing the new Multidimensional Measures of Militarization M3 dataset we demonstrate that African countries that were part of the recent wave of coups previously showed signs of pol...
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