
183 search results of „burundi“

  • [PDF Document] bulletin31.pdf   (637.81 KB)

    No 31 bulletin May 2004 nniversaries are always an occasion to draw a I cannot conceive a better location than Bonn for balance and look backbut also to look such a center of competence I am therefore delighted ahead and to ask what is to be done for the future that this year the City of Bonn and BICC have entered and whether one is properly equipped for the into a partnership This once again underlines the task attractiveness of Bonn as an international city of science The diverse problems ...
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  • [PDF Document] bulletin41.pdf   (228.24 KB)

    bulletin No 41 JanuaryMarch 2007 A Proposal to End Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity by Dr Robert Zuber A ll of us have been deeply affected by a new set of global horrors represented by Darfur Congo and Somalia making the need for reform in UN and regional peacekeeping operations more urgent than ever In response to that need a committed group of academics policymakers and civil society leaders is spearheading the development of a United Nations Emergency Peace Service UNEPS UNEPS is org...
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  • [PDF Document] SALW_and_Development_TRAINEE.pdf   (1.87 MB)

    SALW and Development module SAD 06B02 SALW and Development written by Mike Bourne Centre for International Cooperation and Security University of Bradford UK and the TRESA team module SAD 06B02 TRESA modules are produced by the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC under a special grant from the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ Authors Mike Bourne and the TRESA team M Ashkenazi C Beeck...
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  • [PDF Document] paper4.pdf   (130.26 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN paper4 Conversion in Africa Past Experiences and Future Outlook by Mersie Ejigu and Tekalign Gedamu July 1996 At the time of writing both authors were working for Transnational Development Associates Ltd Copy editor Alisa M Federico BICC AN DER ELISABETHKIRCHE 25 53113 BONN GERMANY PHONE 492289 11 960 FAX 4922824 12 15 CONVERSION IN AFRICA PAST EXPERIENCE AND FUTURE OUTLOOK CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I 1084510...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_GMI_2021_EN.pdf   (7.82 MB)

    GLOBALER MILITARISIERUNGSINDEX 2017 MAX M MUTSCHLER BICC GLOBAL MILITARISATION INDEX 2021 Markus Bayer BICC GLOBAL MILITARISATION INDEX 2021 MARKUS BAYER SUMMARY Every year BICCs Global Militarisation Index GMI maps the relative weight and importance of a countrys military apparatus in relation to its society as a whole The Index is financially supported by Germanys Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development The GMI 2021 is an anniversary edition Its first part reflects as ...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_GMI_2021_D.pdf   (7.8 MB)

    GLOBALER MILITARISIERUNGSINDEX 2017 MAX M MUTSCHLER BICC GLOBALER MILITARISIERUNGSINDEX 2021 Markus Bayer BICC GLOBALER MILITARISIERUNGSINDEX 2021 MARKUS BAYER ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Der Globale Militarisierungsindex GMI des BICC bildet alljährlich das relative Gewicht und die Bedeutung des Militärapparats von Staaten im Verhältnis zur Gesellschaft als Ganzes ab Der Index wird durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung BMZ gefördert Der GMI 2021 ist eine Jubil...
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  • [PDF Document] paper4.pdf   (130.26 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN paper4 Conversion in Africa Past Experiences and Future Outlook by Mersie Ejigu and Tekalign Gedamu July 1996 At the time of writing both authors were working for Transnational Development Associates Ltd Copy editor Alisa M Federico BICC AN DER ELISABETHKIRCHE 25 53113 BONN GERMANY PHONE 492289 11 960 FAX 4922824 12 15 CONVERSION IN AFRICA PAST EXPERIENCE AND FUTURE OUTLOOK CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I 1084510...
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  • [PDF Document] occasional_paper_VII_02_11_eng.pdf   (220.09 KB)

    The Global Militarization Index GMI Occasional Paper February 2011 Occasional Paper VII The Global Militarization Index GMI Use of the GMI for evaluating the development orientation of states and regional militarization Research Report Jan Grebe BICC February 2011 Research funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION BICC GMBH Director Peter J Croll Chairman of the Board Deputy ...
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  • [PDF Document] occasional_paper_VII_02_11_deu.pdf   (222.92 KB)

    Der Globale Militarisierungsindex GMI Occasional Paper Februar 2011 Occasional Paper VII Der Globale Militarisierungsindex GMI Der Nutzen des GMI zur Bewertung der Entwicklungsorientierung von Staaten und regionaler Militarisierung Forschungsbericht Jan Grebe BICC Februar 2011 Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION BICC GMBH Geschäftsführer Peter J Croll Aufsichts...
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  • [PDF Document] focus_6_sierra_leone.pdf   (78.44 KB)

    BICC FOCUS Wie ein Phönix aus der Asche Der Stand der Friedenskonsolidierung in Sierra Leone nach den Wahlen Von Helen Radeke Z um zweiten Mal seit dem offiziellen Ende des blutigen Bürgerkrieges im Jahr 2002 waren Sierra Leones Bürgerinnen und Bürger am 11 August 2007 aufgerufen ihre Stimme in Parlaments und Präsidentschaftswahlen abzugeben Aus der zweiten Runde der Präsidentschaftswahl am 8 September ging der Oppositionskandidat Ernest Bai Koroma vom All Peoples Congress APC als Sieger hervo...
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