
520 search results of „chad“

  • [Publication] “We were promised development and all we got is misery” — The influence of petroleum on conflict dynamics in Chad

    • “We were promised development and all we got is misery” — The influence of petroleum on conflict dynamics in Chad
    • BICC brief 41 analyzes the effects of oil production on conflict dynamics in Chad. The authors, Lena Guesnet and Claudia Frank conclude in the study that the goal of the project supported by the World Bank, to foster development in the Central African country has failed miserably.The Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline project was supported by the World Bank as a model to prove that investment in oil can yield positive results in terms of poverty reduction and development. BICC ...
  • [Publication] “We were promised development and all we got is misery” — The influence of petroleum on conflict dynamics in Chad

    • “We were promised development and all we got is misery” — The influence of petroleum on conflict dynamics in Chad
    • BICC brief 41 analyzes the effects of oil production on conflict dynamics in Chad. The authors, Lena Guesnet and Claudia Frank conclude in the study that the goal of the project supported by the World Bank, to foster development in the Central African country has failed miserably.The Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline project was supported by the World Bank as a model to prove that investment in oil can yield positive results in terms of poverty reduction and development. BICC ...
  • [Project] Armed Groups in the Sahel

    • Regional approaches to dealing with armed groups in the Sahel In the Greater Sahel border regions are frequently hot spots in long running conflicts which are used by non-state armed groups for their benefit, but they are also spaces where people and communities socially, culturally, and economically connect and build important interrelations on different scales. We believe that these border complexes have unique historic and socio-economic features which need to be considered more strongly when...
  • [Publication] Handlich und gefährlich – Gewehre und Pistolen richten mehr Schaden an als andere konventionelle Waffen. Welt-Sichten 9(20...

    • Handlich und gefährlich – Gewehre und Pistolen richten mehr Schaden an als andere konventionelle Waffen. Welt-Sichten 9(2011).
  • [Publication] Handlich und gefährlich – Gewehre und Pistolen richten mehr Schaden an als andere konventionelle Waffen. Welt-Sichten 9(20...

    • Handlich und gefährlich – Gewehre und Pistolen richten mehr Schaden an als andere konventionelle Waffen. Welt-Sichten 9(2011).
  • [Staff] Lena Guesnet

    • Researcher, Project Coordinator
    • Publication: Folgen der Erdölförderung für die Konfliktdynamik im Tschad, Please find the book here.
    • Publication: “We were promised development and all we got is misery” — The influence of petroleum on conflict dynamics in Chad, BICC brief 41 analyzes the effects of oil production on conflict dynamics in Chad. The authors, Lena Guesnet and Claudia Frank conclude in the study that the goal of the project supported by the World Bank, to foster development in the Central African country has failed miserably.The Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline project was supported by the World...
    • Publication: Digging for peace: Private companies and emerging economies in zones of conflict, BICC brief 38 documents the international conference “Digging for Peace: Private Companies and Emerging Economies in Zones of Conflict” which took place from 21 to 22 November 2008 in Bonn. About 120 participants, amongst them representatives of research institutes, private companies, civil society as well as politicians accepted the invitation by the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC) and the Fatal Tr...
    • MA Political Science 2007Lena holds a Diploma (MA-equivalent) from Marburg University in Political Science, Law, Peace and Conflict Studies.Before joining BICC, Lena studied Political Science in Marburg, Rennes and Berlin. During internships, she acquired knowledge in German development cooperation, e.g. at GTZ Kigali, Rwanda, where she worked within the programme “Support to the democratization and reconciliation process” (2006). At BICC, she started as a Research Assistant in the team on natur...
  • [Publication] Cross-border dynamics of violent conflict: The case of Sudan and Chad

    Journal of Asian and African Studies
    • Cross-border dynamics of violent conflict: The case of Sudan and Chad
  • [Publication] Cross-border dynamics of violent conflict: The case of Sudan and Chad

    Journal of Asian and African Studies
    • Cross-border dynamics of violent conflict: The case of Sudan and Chad
  • [PDF Document] ft_newsletter_06_2010_07.pdf   (1.53 MB)

    newsletter Fatal Transactions Eine europäische Kampagne zur Rohstoffgerechtigkeit Kritische Evaluierungen des TschadKamerunErdölpipelineProjektes Am 6 Juni 2010 jährte sich die Zustimmung der Weltbank zur Finanzierung des umstrittenen TschadKamerunErdölpipelineProjektes zum zehnten Mal Eine von der Weltbank in Auftrag gegebene Evaluierung dieses größten OnshoreInvestments im Öl und Gassektor auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent belegt dass sich die Lebensbedingungen der Bevölkerung im Tschad insge...
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  • [Publication] Prisoner’s Dilemma: Hedging Loyalties in (Un)Governed Space of the Lake Chad Basin

    Armed Forces and Society
    • Prisoner’s Dilemma: Hedging Loyalties in (Un)Governed Space of the Lake Chad Basin