
499 search results of „congo“

  • [Project] Artisanal miners in developing countries

    • The economic and financial crisis has boosted the demand for gold. High gold prices are encouraging hundreds of thousands of small-scale miners throughout the world to turn to gold mining and to extract this precious metal using the simplest of tools. Against this background, BICC and the Südwind Institute have launched a joint project which uses the examples of Peru and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to study the question of what measures can be taken to improve conditions fo...
  • [Project] Artisanal miners in developing countries

    • The economic and financial crisis has boosted the demand for gold. High gold prices are encouraging hundreds of thousands of small-scale miners throughout the world to turn to gold mining and to extract this precious metal using the simplest of tools. Against this background, BICC and the Südwind Institute have launched a joint project which uses the examples of Peru and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to study the question of what measures can be taken to improve conditions fo...
  • [PDF Document] BICC_brief_46_esp.pdf   (4.94 MB)

    brief 46 En la búsqueda del oro limpio Minería artesanal del oro en el Perú y la RD del Congo Índice Lista de abreviaturas 4 Resumen 5 Introducción 6 Agradecimientos 7 1 La minería artesanal del oro El mercado mundial perspectivas de los problemas y los enfoques gubernamentales 9 Friedel HützAdams Christine Andrä Marie Müller 11 El mercado mundial del oro 10 12 Mineros artesanales Definición difícil y problemas globales 13 13 Regulación y certificación en el sector aurífero 17 1...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_brief_46_esp.pdf   (4.94 MB)

    brief 46 En la búsqueda del oro limpio Minería artesanal del oro en el Perú y la RD del Congo Índice Lista de abreviaturas 4 Resumen 5 Introducción 6 Agradecimientos 7 1 La minería artesanal del oro El mercado mundial perspectivas de los problemas y los enfoques gubernamentales 9 Friedel HützAdams Christine Andrä Marie Müller 11 El mercado mundial del oro 10 12 Mineros artesanales Definición difícil y problemas globales 13 13 Regulación y certificación en el sector aurífero 17 1...
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  • [Staff] Lena Guesnet

    • Researcher, Project Coordinator
    • Publication: No rebel without a cause. Shifting the debate about conflict minerals in eastern DRC, Precluding conflict financing through the minerals sector has come to be seen as the panacea to ending conflicts in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The US Dodd-Frank-Act (2010) and European draft legislation attempt to reduce the financing of armed groups in conflict zones by asking companies to conduct due diligence along their supply chains to avoid the purchase of “conflict m...
    • Publication: How to enforce due diligence? Making EU-legislation on ‘Conflict Minerals’ effective, In the weeks and months ahead, the European parliament has a decisive role in reaching meaningful European legislation on the responsible sourcing of minerals from conflict regions. In mid- May 2015, it is due to vote on an EU regulation drafted by the European Commission. In BICC Policy Brief 2\2015 Marie Müller-Koné and Lena Guesnet give policy recommendations to enhance this process.The authors in particular...
    • Lena holds a Diploma (MA-equivalent) from Marburg University in Political Science, Law, Peace and Conflict Studies.   At BICC, she started in the team on natural resources and conflict. Field research has led her to Côte d’Ivoire, Chad and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.   Having joint the small arms control team, Lena contributes to the implementation and development of small arms control projects at BICC.
  • [Staff] Lena Guesnet

    • Researcher, Project Coordinator
    • Publication: No rebel without a cause. Shifting the debate about conflict minerals in eastern DRC, Precluding conflict financing through the minerals sector has come to be seen as the panacea to ending conflicts in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The US Dodd-Frank-Act (2010) and European draft legislation attempt to reduce the financing of armed groups in conflict zones by asking companies to conduct due diligence along their supply chains to avoid the purchase of “conflict m...
    • Publication: How to enforce due diligence? Making EU-legislation on ‘Conflict Minerals’ effective, In the weeks and months ahead, the European parliament has a decisive role in reaching meaningful European legislation on the responsible sourcing of minerals from conflict regions. In mid- May 2015, it is due to vote on an EU regulation drafted by the European Commission. In BICC Policy Brief 2\2015 Marie Müller-Koné and Lena Guesnet give policy recommendations to enhance this process.The authors in particular...
    • Lena holds a Diploma (MA-equivalent) from Marburg University in Political Science, Law, Peace and Conflict Studies.   At BICC, she started in the team on natural resources and conflict. Field research has led her to Côte d’Ivoire, Chad and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.   Having joint the small arms control team, Lena contributes to the implementation and development of small arms control projects at BICC.
  • [Staff] Lena Guesnet

    • Researcher, Project Coordinator
    • Publication: No rebel without a cause. Shifting the debate about conflict minerals in eastern DRC, Precluding conflict financing through the minerals sector has come to be seen as the panacea to ending conflicts in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The US Dodd-Frank-Act (2010) and European draft legislation attempt to reduce the financing of armed groups in conflict zones by asking companies to conduct due diligence along their supply chains to avoid the purchase of “conflict m...
    • Publication: How to enforce due diligence? Making EU-legislation on ‘Conflict Minerals’ effective, In the weeks and months ahead, the European parliament has a decisive role in reaching meaningful European legislation on the responsible sourcing of minerals from conflict regions. In mid- May 2015, it is due to vote on an EU regulation drafted by the European Commission. In BICC Policy Brief 2\2015 Marie Müller-Koné and Lena Guesnet give policy recommendations to enhance this process.The authors in particular...
    • Lena holds a Diploma (MA-equivalent) from Marburg University in Political Science, Law, Peace and Conflict Studies.   At BICC, she started in the team on natural resources and conflict. Field research has led her to Côte d’Ivoire, Chad and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.   Having joint the small arms control team, Lena contributes to the implementation and development of small arms control projects at BICC.
  • [Staff] Lena Guesnet

    • Researcher, Project Coordinator
    • Publication: No rebel without a cause. Shifting the debate about conflict minerals in eastern DRC, Precluding conflict financing through the minerals sector has come to be seen as the panacea to ending conflicts in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The US Dodd-Frank-Act (2010) and European draft legislation attempt to reduce the financing of armed groups in conflict zones by asking companies to conduct due diligence along their supply chains to avoid the purchase of “conflict m...
    • Publication: How to enforce due diligence? Making EU-legislation on ‘Conflict Minerals’ effective, In the weeks and months ahead, the European parliament has a decisive role in reaching meaningful European legislation on the responsible sourcing of minerals from conflict regions. In mid- May 2015, it is due to vote on an EU regulation drafted by the European Commission. In BICC Policy Brief 2\2015 Marie Müller-Koné and Lena Guesnet give policy recommendations to enhance this process.The authors in particular...
    • Lena holds a Diploma (MA-equivalent) from Marburg University in Political Science, Law, Peace and Conflict Studies.   At BICC, she started in the team on natural resources and conflict. Field research has led her to Côte d’Ivoire, Chad and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.   Having joint the small arms control team, Lena contributes to the implementation and development of small arms control projects at BICC.
  • [Staff] Lena Guesnet

    • Researcher, Project Coordinator
    • Publication: No rebel without a cause. Shifting the debate about conflict minerals in eastern DRC, Precluding conflict financing through the minerals sector has come to be seen as the panacea to ending conflicts in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The US Dodd-Frank-Act (2010) and European draft legislation attempt to reduce the financing of armed groups in conflict zones by asking companies to conduct due diligence along their supply chains to avoid the purchase of “conflict m...
    • Publication: How to enforce due diligence? Making EU-legislation on ‘Conflict Minerals’ effective, In the weeks and months ahead, the European parliament has a decisive role in reaching meaningful European legislation on the responsible sourcing of minerals from conflict regions. In mid- May 2015, it is due to vote on an EU regulation drafted by the European Commission. In BICC Policy Brief 2\2015 Marie Müller-Koné and Lena Guesnet give policy recommendations to enhance this process.The authors in particular...
    • Lena holds a Diploma (MA-equivalent) from Marburg University in Political Science, Law, Peace and Conflict Studies.   At BICC, she started in the team on natural resources and conflict. Field research has led her to Côte d’Ivoire, Chad and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.   Having joint the small arms control team, Lena contributes to the implementation and development of small arms control projects at BICC.
  • [Staff] Lena Guesnet

    • Researcher, Project Coordinator
    • Publication: No rebel without a cause. Shifting the debate about conflict minerals in eastern DRC, Precluding conflict financing through the minerals sector has come to be seen as the panacea to ending conflicts in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The US Dodd-Frank-Act (2010) and European draft legislation attempt to reduce the financing of armed groups in conflict zones by asking companies to conduct due diligence along their supply chains to avoid the purchase of “conflict m...
    • Publication: How to enforce due diligence? Making EU-legislation on ‘Conflict Minerals’ effective, In the weeks and months ahead, the European parliament has a decisive role in reaching meaningful European legislation on the responsible sourcing of minerals from conflict regions. In mid- May 2015, it is due to vote on an EU regulation drafted by the European Commission. In BICC Policy Brief 2\2015 Marie Müller-Koné and Lena Guesnet give policy recommendations to enhance this process.The authors in particular...
    • Lena holds a Diploma (MA-equivalent) from Marburg University in Political Science, Law, Peace and Conflict Studies.   At bicc, she started in the team on natural resources and conflict. Field research has led her to Côte d’Ivoire, Chad and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.   Having joint the small arms control team, Lena contributes to the implementation and development of small arms control projects at bicc.