
499 search results of „congo“

  • [PDF Document] Starter_Guide.pdf   (3.19 MB)

    Starter Guide towards strong Arms and Ammunition Management Practices Lead Author Marius Kahl BICC Bundeswehr Verification Center Funded by the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany Imprint BICC December 2012 Bonn International Center of Conversion Internationales Konversionszentrum Bonn GmbH PfarrerBynsStraße 1 53121 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911 960 Fax 49228911 9622 Email biccbiccde Managing Director Michael Dedek Managing Editor Heike Webb Layout medianetwork Bonn Ralf Kolmsee...
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  • [PDF Document] brief40.pdf   (4.03 MB)

    brief 40 Natural Resources in Côte dIvoire Fostering Crisis or Peace The Cocoa Diamond Gold and Oil Sectors Contents 3 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 4 Acknowledgments 5 Resourcespecific Concerns Regarding Peace in Côte dIvoire 40 Executive Summary 5 31 Cocoa 41 Introduction 7 1 The Conflict in Côte dIvoire 11 Course of the conflict 9 10 111 The outbreak of war 10 112 Ni paix ni guerre A situation inbetween war and peace 12 12 Origins of the conflict Politicizing migra...
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  • [PDF Document] Global_and_Regional_Agreements_on_SALW_Control_TRAINEE.pdf   (1.51 MB)

    Global and Regional Agreements on Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW Control module GRA 06B02 Global and Regional Agreements on Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW Control written by Mike Bourne Centre for International Cooperation and Security University of Bradford UK and the TRESA team module GRA 06B02 TRESA modules are produced by the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC under a special grant from the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung Federal Mini...
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  • [PDF Document] gmf_climate-change-migration-conflict_07_2010.pdf   (985.14 KB)

    Study Team on ClimateInduced Migration June 2010 Summary This paper analyzes the likely intersections between climate change migration and conflict The paper identifies some of the most relevant factors that might turn environmentally induced migration into a source of conflict and hold major implications for receiving areas Scientific literature is still inconclusive about the conflict potential of environmentally induced inmigration and the mechanisms potentially linking it to conflict onset I...
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  • [PDF Document] Dossier-67.pdf   (2.18 MB)

    WF Wissenschaft und Frieden Dossier 67 Kriegsvergewaltigung Eine Typologie von Elvan Isikozlu Beilage zu Wissenschaft und Frieden 22011 Herausgegeben von der Informationsstelle Wissenschaft und Frieden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internationalen Konversionszentrum Bonn BICC Kriegsvergewaltigung so wird angenommen ist so alt wie der Krieg selbst Die systematischen1 und weit verbreiteten2 Vergewaltigungen in den Kriegen in Bosnien und Herzegowina BiH sowie in Ruanda haben dazu geführt dass sie ...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_AR_2021_d_e.pdf   (3.51 MB)

    ANNUAL REPORT JAHRESBERICHT 2021 ENGWomen walk through the market of Puli Khumri the provincial capital of Baghlan in northern Afghanistan The picture from 2013 shows that the burqa has largely determined womens appearance in public spaces in rural and even ruralurban areas despite the intervention even in regions under government control This can be traced back to a very valueconservative worldview of average Afghans which also facilitated the Talibans takeover of power in August 2021 Afghan...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_AR_2021_d_e_01.pdf   (3.51 MB)

    ANNUAL REPORT JAHRESBERICHT 2021 ENGWomen walk through the market of Puli Khumri the provincial capital of Baghlan in northern Afghanistan The picture from 2013 shows that the burqa has largely determined womens appearance in public spaces in rural and even ruralurban areas despite the intervention even in regions under government control This can be traced back to a very valueconservative worldview of average Afghans which also facilitated the Talibans takeover of power in August 2021 Afghan...
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  • [PDF Document] concept_paper_2019.pdf   (966.05 KB)

    CONCEPT PAPER JULY 2019 Vision statement Research and advice for a more peaceful world Mission statement BICCs mission is to conduct policyrelevant research and give advice in response to the problems of organised violence and explore ways to address them To do so BICC engages in active exchange with scholars politicians practitioners and civil society organisations CONCEPT PAPER CONCEPT PAPER BICC JULY 2019 CONTENTS Vision and Mission Introduction 4 The Institute 5 From convers...
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  • [PDF Document] Spotlight_on_HDP_in_South Sudan.pdf   (2.21 MB)

    report Birgit Kemmerling Spotlight on Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Implementation in South Sudan Localisation from a Decolonial Perspective The emergence of the HDP in South Sudan as a topdown statecentred approach Progress on localisation but still power imbalances between international and local NGOs 8 A need for more local led initiatives HDP IMPLEMENTATION IN SOUTH SUDAN LOCALISATION FROM A DECOLONIAL PERSPECTIVE BIRGIT KEMMERLING CONTENTS Introduction 2 Methodology 3 Dil...
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  • [PDF Document] Spotlight_on_HDP_in_South Sudan.pdf   (2.21 MB)

    report Birgit Kemmerling Spotlight on Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Implementation in South Sudan Localisation from a Decolonial Perspective The emergence of the HDP in South Sudan as a topdown statecentred approach Progress on localisation but still power imbalances between international and local NGOs 8 A need for more local led initiatives HDP IMPLEMENTATION IN SOUTH SUDAN LOCALISATION FROM A DECOLONIAL PERSPECTIVE BIRGIT KEMMERLING CONTENTS Introduction 2 Methodology 3 Dil...
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