
202 search results of „egypt“

  • [PDF Document] kurzpapier_ssr.pdf   (341.35 KB)

    KURZPAPIER Säulenübergreifende Zusammenarbeit von Rat und Kommission der Europäischen Union zur Unterstützung von Reformen im Bereich der Sicherheitssektorreform Michael Brzoska und Isabelle Maras Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg 1 Sicherheitssektorreform auf der Agenda der Europäischen Union Sicherheitssektorreform SSR ist ein relativ neues Thema für die Europäische Union EU dem sie sich aber in den letzten Jahren mit erheblicher rhetorischer Ene...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_Working_Paper_6_2017.pdf   (1.38 MB)

    WORKING PAPER 6 2017 Making sense of Daesh in Afghanistan A social movement perspective Katja Mielke BICC Nick Miszak TLO Joint publication by WORKING PAPER 6 2017 MAKING SENSE OF DAESH IN AFGHANISTAN A SOCIAL MOVEMENT PERSPECTIVE K MIELKE N MISZAK SUMMARY Socalled Islamic State IS or Daesh in Iraq and Syria is widely interpreted as a terrorist phenomenon The proclamation in late January 2015 of a Wilayat Khorasan which includes Afghanistan and Pakistan as an IS branch is commonly...
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  • [PDF Document] bicc_annual_report_2007_2008.pdf   (1.12 MB)

    ANNUAL REPORT 20072008 Contributions to the Annual Report 20072008 Project leader Susanne Heinke Authors Dr Michael Ashkenazi Prof Dr Hans Blix Marc von Boemcken Peter J Croll Michael Dedek Dr Volker Franke Dr Andreas HeinemannGrüder Susanne Heinke Elvan Isikozlu Dr Hartmut Küchle WolfChristian Paes Andrea Warnecke Lars Wirkus Copyediting Susanne Heinke Heike Webb Translations Lynn Benstead English Brigitte Steinmetz German Heike Webb GermanEnglish Layout and publishing management Sven...
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  • [PDF Document] bicc_annual_report_2005_2006.pdf   (690.29 KB)

    ANNUAL REPORT 20052006 2 Contributions to the Annual Report 20052006 Project leader Susanne Heinke Authors Dr Volker Böge Marc von Boemcken Julie Brethfeld Dr Michael Brzoska Peter J Croll Michael Dedek Susanne Heinke Willem Jaspers Dr Hartmut Küchle Tobias Pietz Lars Wirkus Proofreading Susanne Heinke Elvan Isikozlu Heike Webb Translations Lynn Benstead English Brigitte Steinmetz German Layout and publishing management Svenja Bends Picture graphics Christian Kraft Additional suppo...
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  • [PDF Document] bicc_annual_report_2005_2006_02.pdf   (690.29 KB)

    ANNUAL REPORT 20052006 2 Contributions to the Annual Report 20052006 Project leader Susanne Heinke Authors Dr Volker Böge Marc von Boemcken Julie Brethfeld Dr Michael Brzoska Peter J Croll Michael Dedek Susanne Heinke Willem Jaspers Dr Hartmut Küchle Tobias Pietz Lars Wirkus Proofreading Susanne Heinke Elvan Isikozlu Heike Webb Translations Lynn Benstead English Brigitte Steinmetz German Layout and publishing management Svenja Bends Picture graphics Christian Kraft Additional suppo...
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  • [PDF Document] paper43.pdf   (269.6 KB)

    paper 43 To End a War Demobilization and Reintegration of Paramilitaries in Colombia To End a War Demobilization and Reintegration of Paramilitaries in Colombia by Markus Koth Published by BICC Bonn 2005 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde To End a War DR of Paramilitaries in Colombia List of Contents Acknowledgements 2 List of acronyms and abbreviati...
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  • [PDF Document] occasional_paper_I_03-09.pdf   (595.11 KB)

    New Chances for a Compromise in the Nuclear Dispute with Iran Occasional Paper March 2009 Published by BICC Bonn International Center for Conversion Internationales Konversionszentrum Bonn GmbH An der Elisabethkirche 25 53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911 960 Fax 4922824 12 15 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde Director Peter J Croll Editor Jerry Sommer Copy editing Heike Webb Susanne Heinke Layout Publishing management Heike Webb Picture graphics title Christian Kraft Photos DW New Chances ...
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  • [PDF Document] WP2_19_Uganda_web.pdf   (727.71 KB)

    WORKING PAPER 2 2019 Uganda A role model for refugee integration Heidrun Bohnet University of Geneva Clara SchmitzPranghe BICC WORKING PAPER 2 2019 UGANDA A ROLE MODEL FOR REFUGEE INTEGRATION E BOHNET C SCHMITZPRANGHE SUMMARY Uganda hosts the largest refugee population in Africa and is after Turkey and Pakistan the thirdlargest refugee recipient country worldwide Political and humanitarian actors have widely praised Ugandan refugee policies because of their progressive nature In Ugand...
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  • [PDF Document] paper43.pdf   (269.6 KB)

    paper 43 To End a War Demobilization and Reintegration of Paramilitaries in Colombia To End a War Demobilization and Reintegration of Paramilitaries in Colombia by Markus Koth Published by BICC Bonn 2005 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde To End a War DR of Paramilitaries in Colombia List of Contents Acknowledgements 2 List of acronyms and abbreviati...
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  • [PDF Document] brief11.pdf   (474.36 KB)

    brief 11 Reasonable Measures Addressing the Excessive Accumulation and Unlawful Use of Small Arms august 98 BICC 1 brief 11 Contents Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Executive summary 6 Introduction 8 Identifying the Issues 11 Trade 11 Existing circulation and surplus stocks 11 Unlawful use and civilian possession of militarystyle weapons 12 The Scope of Current Efforts 13 The United Nations context 13 Regional initiatives 15 The Wassenaar Arrangement 16 Nongovernment...
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