201 search results of „ivoire“
[PDF Document] brief40.pdf (4.03 MB)
brief 40 Natural Resources in Côte dIvoire Fostering Crisis or Peace The Cocoa Diamond Gold and Oil Sectors Contents 3 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 4 Acknowledgments 5 Resourcespecific Concerns Regarding Peace in Côte dIvoire 40 Executive Summary 5 31 Cocoa 41 Introduction 7 1 The Conflict in Côte dIvoire 11 Course of the conflict 9 10 111 The outbreak of war 10 112 Ni paix ni guerre A situation inbetween war and peace 12 12 Origins of the conflict Politicizing migra... -
[Staff] Lena Guesnet
- Researcher, Project Coordinator
- Publication: Natural resources in Côte d’Ivoire: Fostering crisis or peace? The cocoa, diamond, gold and oil sectors, The trade and exploitation of natural resources such as cocoa, gold, petroleum and diamonds contributed to the conflict in Côte d’Ivoire and still obstruct the peace process in the country. This is one of the conclusions of BICC brief 40, entitled: “Natural Resources in Côte d’Ivoire: Fostering Crisis or Peace? The Cocoa, Diamond, Gold and Oil sectors”.T...
- Publication: Digging for peace: Private companies and emerging economies in zones of conflict, BICC brief 38 documents the international conference “Digging for Peace: Private Companies and Emerging Economies in Zones of Conflict” which took place from 21 to 22 November 2008 in Bonn. About 120 participants, amongst them representatives of research institutes, private companies, civil society as well as politicians accepted the invitation by the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC) and the Fatal Tr...
- MA Political Science 2007Lena holds a Diploma (MA-equivalent) from Marburg University in Political Science, Law, Peace and Conflict Studies.Before joining BICC, Lena studied Political Science in Marburg, Rennes and Berlin. During internships, she acquired knowledge in German development cooperation, e.g. at GTZ Kigali, Rwanda, where she worked within the programme “Support to the democratization and reconciliation process” (2006). At BICC, she started as a Research Assistant in the team on natur...
[Event] Balkan Fact-Finding Mission
- At the request of the German Federal Foreign Office, BICC provided logistical support as well as accompanied a delegation of representatives of the ECOWAS Commission and National Small Arms Commissions from Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana on a study visit to the Balkans from 9-13 September.
- Friday, 13 September 2019: At the request of the German Federal Foreign Office, BICC provided logistical support as well as accompanied a delegation of representatives of the ECOWAS Commission and National Small Arms Commissions from Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana on a study visit to the Balkans from 9-13 September.
[PDF Document] focus_8_ivory_coast.pdf (164.16 KB)
BICC FOCUS Conflict diamonds and peace process in Côte dIvoire C ôte dIvoire is the only country which is currently under embargo by the United Nations for the export of conflict diamonds since December 2005 The conflict and years of no war no peace have been profitable for both the military and the Forces Nouvelles FN rebels thereby paralyzing the peace process1 Along with other natural resources eg cocoa timber cotton oil gold diamonds contributed to the financing of the military as well as the F... -
[Publication] Rüstung und Militär in Westafrika: Regionale Sicherheitskooperation in der ECOWAS und die Rolle externer Akteure
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[Publication] Rüstung und Militär in Westafrika: Regionale Sicherheitskooperation in der ECOWAS und die Rolle externer Akteure
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[Publication] Rüstung und Militär in Westafrika: Regionale Sicherheitskooperation in der ECOWAS und die Rolle externer Akteure
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[Publication] Rüstung und Militär in Westafrika: Regionale Sicherheitskooperation in der ECOWAS und die Rolle externer Akteure
Please find the book here.
[Publication] Rüstung und Militär in Westafrika: Regionale Sicherheitskooperation in der ECOWAS und die Rolle externer Akteure
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[Publication] Rüstung und Militär in Westafrika: Regionale Sicherheitskooperation in der ECOWAS und die Rolle externer Akteure
Please find the book here.
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