69 search results of „lesotho“
[PDF Document] bulletin18.pdf (118.33 KB)
No 18 bulletin The Abiding Lessons of South Asias Nuclear Tests 1 January 2001 on daily power shortages crowded roads congested seaports userhostile airport facilities and personnel almost nonexistent sewage and sanitation facilities child brides dowry deaths caste warfare by Ramesh Thakur Third the tests revealed a gaping hole in the NPT India and Pakistan could make deploy and use nuclear Two years on one can draw seven lessons for the weapons but would not qualify as nuclear powers under ... -
[PDF Document] bulletin29.pdf (51.58 KB)
No 29 bulletin Can the Coalition Transform the Iraqi Security Sector before its Too Late 1 October 2003 would have made disarmament and reduction of forces central to the broader postwar reconstruction strategy On May 23 2003 L Paul Bremer head of the Coalition provisional administration issued a decree to disband the Iraqi army The ensuing protests and threats of violence by former Iraqi soldiers ultimately caused a by Johanna Mendelson Forman change of heart Not only did this action run co... -
[PDF Document] bulletin18.pdf (118.33 KB)
No 18 bulletin The Abiding Lessons of South Asias Nuclear Tests 1 January 2001 on daily power shortages crowded roads congested seaports userhostile airport facilities and personnel almost nonexistent sewage and sanitation facilities child brides dowry deaths caste warfare by Ramesh Thakur Third the tests revealed a gaping hole in the NPT India and Pakistan could make deploy and use nuclear Two years on one can draw seven lessons for the weapons but would not qualify as nuclear powers under ... -
[PDF Document] bulletin29.pdf (51.58 KB)
No 29 bulletin Can the Coalition Transform the Iraqi Security Sector before its Too Late 1 October 2003 would have made disarmament and reduction of forces central to the broader postwar reconstruction strategy On May 23 2003 L Paul Bremer head of the Coalition provisional administration issued a decree to disband the Iraqi army The ensuing protests and threats of violence by former Iraqi soldiers ultimately caused a by Johanna Mendelson Forman change of heart Not only did this action run co... -
[PDF Document] focus_7_china.pdf (199.78 KB)
BICC FOCUS Yellow Imperialism or successful wealth creation formula How the trade in natural resources is changing ChineseAfrican relations By Peter J Croll Andreas Lebzien and WolfChristian Paes C hinas influence on the African continent has grown significantly in the past decade More than 40 African heads of states attended the last ChinaAfrica summit in Beijing in November 2006 a significantly larger attendance than similar meetings between African leaders and the European Union The Beijing s... -
[PDF Document] BICC_GMI_2018_e.pdf (1.19 MB)
Globaler Militarisierungsindex 2017 Max M Mutschler BICC GLOBAL MILITARIZATION INDEX 2018 Max M Mutschler Marius Bales BICC GLOBAL MILITARIzation INDEX 2018 MAx M Mutschler Marius Bales Summary Compiled by BICC the Global Militarization Index GMI presents on an annual basis the relative weight and importance of a countrys military apparatus in relation to its society as a whole The GMI 2018 covers 155 countries and is based on the latest available figures in most cases data for 2017 The i... -
[PDF Document] BICC_GMI_2018_d.pdf (1.21 MB)
Globaler Militarisierungsindex 2017 Max M Mutschler BICC GLOBALER MILITARISIERUNGSINDEX 2018 Max M Mutschler Marius Bales BICC GLOBALer MILITARISierungs INDEX 2018 Max M Mutschler Marius Bales Zusammenfassung Der Globale Militarisierungsindex GMI des BICC bildet alljährlich das relative Gewicht und die Bedeutung des Militärapparats von Staaten im Verhältnis zur Gesellschaft als Ganzes ab Der GMI 2018 umfasst 155 Staaten und basiert auf den aktuellsten vorliegenden Zahlen in der Regel sind... -
[PDF Document] focus_7_china.pdf (199.78 KB)
BICC FOCUS Yellow Imperialism or successful wealth creation formula How the trade in natural resources is changing ChineseAfrican relations By Peter J Croll Andreas Lebzien and WolfChristian Paes C hinas influence on the African continent has grown significantly in the past decade More than 40 African heads of states attended the last ChinaAfrica summit in Beijing in November 2006 a significantly larger attendance than similar meetings between African leaders and the European Union The Beijing s... -
[PDF Document] BICC_GMI_2021_EN.pdf (7.82 MB)
GLOBALER MILITARISIERUNGSINDEX 2017 MAX M MUTSCHLER BICC GLOBAL MILITARISATION INDEX 2021 Markus Bayer BICC GLOBAL MILITARISATION INDEX 2021 MARKUS BAYER SUMMARY Every year BICCs Global Militarisation Index GMI maps the relative weight and importance of a countrys military apparatus in relation to its society as a whole The Index is financially supported by Germanys Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development The GMI 2021 is an anniversary edition Its first part reflects as ... -
[PDF Document] BICC_GMI_2021_D.pdf (7.8 MB)
GLOBALER MILITARISIERUNGSINDEX 2017 MAX M MUTSCHLER BICC GLOBALER MILITARISIERUNGSINDEX 2021 Markus Bayer BICC GLOBALER MILITARISIERUNGSINDEX 2021 MARKUS BAYER ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Der Globale Militarisierungsindex GMI des BICC bildet alljährlich das relative Gewicht und die Bedeutung des Militärapparats von Staaten im Verhältnis zur Gesellschaft als Ganzes ab Der Index wird durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung BMZ gefördert Der GMI 2021 ist eine Jubil...
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