360 search results of „liberia“
[Publication] Dealing with private security companies. Options for development cooperation in Timor-Leste, Liberia and Peru
- Dealing with private security companies. Options for development cooperation in Timor-Leste, Liberia and Peru
- How should development actors deal with private security companies? This BICC publication summarizes the main findings from field research led by Marc von Boemcken on private security companies in three developing countries: Timor-Leste, Liberia and Peru. Each summary focuses on the specific relations between development cooperation and private security.
[Publication] Dealing with private security companies. Options for development cooperation in Timor-Leste, Liberia and Peru
- Dealing with private security companies. Options for development cooperation in Timor-Leste, Liberia and Peru
- How should development actors deal with private security companies? This BICC publication summarizes the main findings from field research led by Marc von Boemcken on private security companies in three developing countries: Timor-Leste, Liberia and Peru. Each summary focuses on the specific relations between development cooperation and private security.
[Project] Commercial provision of security in development countries
- Between 2010 and 2011, BICC researchers examined the private security industries in Timor-Leste, Liberia and Peru. They were particularly interested in the relation between private security and development cooperation and found that security companies challenge development actors in two significant ways.
[Project] Commercial provision of security in development countries
- Between 2010 and 2011, BICC researchers examined the private security industries in Timor-Leste, Liberia and Peru. They were particularly interested in the relation between private security and development cooperation and found that security companies challenge development actors in two significant ways.
[Project] Commercial provision of security in development countries
- Between 2010 and 2011, BICC researchers examined the private security industries in Timor-Leste, Liberia and Peru. They were particularly interested in the relation between private security and development cooperation and found that security companies challenge development actors in two significant ways.
[PDF Document] SAD_Nexus_Paper_2022_web.pdf (721.2 KB)
SECURITYARMAMENTDEVELOPMENT Nexus Paper 2022 When the War Attitude persists How ProGovernment Militias affect Society in the Long Run Fiona Wilshusen BICC Yet Another Nexus Introduction to the SADNexus Papers Since 2002 BICC has provided information on German arms exports the state of security and development of potential recipient countries to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ BICCs project titled Security armament and development in recipient countries... -
[PDF Document] BICC_Working_Paper_8_2ß19.pdf (1.35 MB)
WORKING PAPER 8 2019 Between reconciliation resignation and revenge Reintegration of refugees internally displaced people and excombatants in Sierra Leone in a longterm perspective Elke Grawert BICC with input from Julius J Togba WORKING PAPER 8 2019 LIVELIHOOD ANALYSIS OF SYRIAN REFUGEES IN GREATER AMMAN E GRAWERT SUMMARY Sierra Leone is known for the successful reintegration of a high number of returning refugees and internally displaced people IDPs many of whom had stayed in protr... -
[Press] New publication \ When the 'War Attitude' persists: How Pro-Government Militias affect Society in the Long Run
- More than 20 years have passed since the end of the civil wars in Sierra Leone and Liberia, violent conflicts that once involved numerous pro- and anti-government militias. However, networks of former combatants still exist in both countries. This Paper examines the long-term political and social impact of pro-government militias (PGMs).
- Tuesday, 16 May 2023: Fiona Wilshusen, author of the SAD-Nexus-Paper 2022, points out that ex-combatants may remain a threat to peace and security long after the end of the civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone: 'Former (pro-government) combatants, regardless of their previous affiliation, represent a potential instrument for exercising political violence—even in the long term'. This is particularly true with elections just around the corner in both countries.At the political level, a long-term problem ...
[PDF Document] brief45.pdf (5.94 MB)
brief 45 Commercial Security and Development Findings from TimorLeste Liberia and Peru Contents 4 Liberia Acronyms and Abbreviations 4 Abstract 5 Acknowledgments 5 41 Context 36 Introduction Marc von Boemcken 6 42 Markets 37 43 Impacts 43 Revisiting the securitydevelopment nexus 7 Marc von Boemcken 1 Commercial Security Markets 5 Peru 49 Marc von Boemcken and Clara SchmitzPranghe 9 Marc von Boemcken 11 Providers 10 12 Customers 11 13 Regulation 12 2 Impacts of Commer... -
[PDF Document] integrated_missions_konzeptpapier.pdf (500.96 KB)
BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN Für ein effizientes Friedensengagement Das Konzept der Integrierten Missionen K ONZEPTPAPIER Für ein effizientes Friedensengagement Das Konzept der Integrierten Missionen Zusammenarbeit entwicklungspolitischer und militärischer Akteure in Nachkriegssituationen im Rahmen von friedensunterstützenden Maßnahmen der Vereinten Nationen Projektleitung Dr Volker Franke Autorin Diana Burghardt Unterstützt durch Richar...
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