360 search results of „liberia“
[Project] The Role of External Actors in civil war economies in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Since 2003, a research programme at BICC on so-called war economies has aimed to shed light on the specific impact of external economic actors, a diverse group that includes multinationals, (neighbouring) countries, private persons, local firms, etc. on the conflict situation. One of the guiding questions was what constitutes a war economy, and how its structural features differ from a 'normal' situation. Subject to analysis were countries and regions in Sub-Sahara Africa, where a vast number of...
[Project] The Role of External Actors in civil war economies in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Since 2003, a research programme at BICC on so-called war economies has aimed to shed light on the specific impact of external economic actors, a diverse group that includes multinationals, (neighbouring) countries, private persons, local firms, etc. on the conflict situation. One of the guiding questions was what constitutes a war economy, and how its structural features differ from a 'normal' situation. Subject to analysis were countries and regions in Sub-Sahara Africa, where a vast number of...
[Project] The Role of External Actors in civil war economies in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Since 2003, a research programme at BICC on so-called war economies has aimed to shed light on the specific impact of external economic actors, a diverse group that includes multinationals, (neighbouring) countries, private persons, local firms, etc. on the conflict situation. One of the guiding questions was what constitutes a war economy, and how its structural features differ from a 'normal' situation. Subject to analysis were countries and regions in Sub-Sahara Africa, where a vast number of...
[Staff] Elvan Isikozlu
- Head of Advice and Scientific Transfer
- B. Arts Sci. (Honors) 2001; MA International Relations 2003Elvan graduated from one of Canada’s most innovative and interdisciplinary programmes, earning a Bachelor of Arts & Science Degree with a combined Major in Political Science and a Minor in Peace Studies (McMaster University). She completed her Master of Arts degree in International Relations at the Norman Patterson School of International Affairs in Ottawa, with a specialty in Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution. Elvan began he...
- Publication: Kriegsvergewaltigung. Eine Typologie. W&F, Wissenschaft und Frieden – Dossier 67., “Wartime rape-A Typology” aims at developing a typology of wartime rape as a first step toward understanding the different consequences of this form of violence in war. This typology is based on the examination of wartime rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina and El Salvador as well on a review of the literature on ten additional country cases of wartime rape (Cambodia, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, L...
- Publication: Towards a typology of wartime rape, BICC brief 43 “Towards a Typology of wartime rape” aims at developing a typology of wartime rape as a first step toward understanding the different consequences of this form of violence in war. This typology is based on the examination of wartime rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina and El Salvador as well on a review of the literature on ten additional country cases of wartime rape (Cambodia, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Nepal, ...
[Project] Protected rather than protracted—Strengthening refugees and peace
- The majority of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) find themselves displaced for more than five years—either in their own or in neighbouring countries. Of the three durable solutions for these so-called protracted refugee situations—local integration, resettlement in third countries and repatriation—the latter is still considered to be the best option by most stakeholders. Yet, due to the increasing prevalence of protracted conflicts worldwide, voluntary return often is not possibl...
[Project] Protected rather than protracted—Strengthening refugees and peace
- The majority of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) find themselves displaced for more than five years—either in their own or in neighbouring countries. Of the three durable solutions for these so-called protracted refugee situations—local integration, resettlement in third countries and repatriation—the latter is still considered to be the best option by most stakeholders. Yet, due to the increasing prevalence of protracted conflicts worldwide, voluntary return often is not possibl...
[Project] Protected rather than protracted—Strengthening refugees and peace
- The majority of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) find themselves displaced for more than five years—either in their own or in neighbouring countries. Of the three durable solutions for these so-called protracted refugee situations—local integration, resettlement in third countries and repatriation—the latter is still considered to be the best option by most stakeholders. Yet, due to the increasing prevalence of protracted conflicts worldwide, voluntary return often is not possibl...
[Project] Protected rather than protracted—Strengthening refugees and peace
- The majority of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) find themselves displaced for more than five years—either in their own or in neighbouring countries. Of the three durable solutions for these so-called protracted refugee situations—local integration, resettlement in third countries and repatriation—the latter is still considered to be the best option by most stakeholders. Yet, due to the increasing prevalence of protracted conflicts worldwide, voluntary return often is not possibl...
[PDF Document] brief43.pdf (4.63 MB)
brief 43 Towards a Typology of Wartime Rape Contents List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 4 Executive Summary 5 Acknowledgments 5 Introduction 7 1 Methodology 9 Phase I Creating a typology 10 Phase II Refining the Typology 12 2 Review of Scholarly Literature on Rape and War 15 The prevalence of wartime rape 16 Explanations of wartime rape The meaning of wartime rape Factors that contribute to wartime rape The functions of wartime rape 17 17 18 19 Consequences of wartime rape ... -
[PDF Document] BICC_Focus_11.pdf (258.76 KB)
BICC Focus Dealing with private security companies Options for development cooperation in TimorLeste Liberia and Peru By Marc von Boemcken P rivate security industries challenge development cooperation in two ways On the one hand they constitute a significant part of the economy and the security sector of many developing countries Private security thus immediately has an impact on a number of developmentrelated factors ie economic growth social welfare and overall feelings of public safety On ...
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