
194 search results of „libya“

  • [PDF Document] BICC_Knowledge_Note_2_2019.pdf   (1.95 MB)

    KNOWLEDGE NOTES Breaking Cycles of Displacement CONFERENCE DOCUMENTATION Clara SchmitzPranghe Ruth Vollmer Eds BICC 22019 BREAKING CYCLES OF DISPLACEMENT CLARA SCHMITZPRANGHE RUTH VOLLMER EDS SUMMARY On 28 and 29 November 2018 BICC hosted an international conference entitled Breaking Cycles of Displacement in Bonn The conference presented and discussed the findings of the fouryearlong comparative BICC research project Protected rather than protractedStrengthening Refugees and Peace funde...
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  • [PDF Document] booklet_sanctions.pdf   (1.46 MB)

    DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ARMS EMBARGOES AND TRAVEL AND AVIATION RELATED SANCTIONS RESULTS OF THE BONNBERLIN PROCESS Bonn International Center for Conversion in cooperation with the Auswärtiges Amt German Foreign Office and the United Nations Secretariat Editor Michael Brzoska BICC Published by BICC Bonn 2001 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Dr Herbert Wulf Publishing management Michael Dedek An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 E...
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  • [PDF Document] paper38_english.pdf   (793.3 KB)

    paper 38 Incorporation of Defense Expenditures into Public Expenditure Work Incorporation of Defense Expenditures into Public Expenditure Work Short Assessment of the Situation in Ethiopia Burundi Kenya Tanzania and Uganda Authors Michael Brzoska responsible Marc von Boemcken WolfChristian Paes Willem Jaspers assistant Commissioned by KFWEntwicklungsbank Published by BICC Bonn 2004 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany P...
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  • [PDF Document] D2.1_GAPs_WP2_Germany Dossier_final.pdf   (1.46 MB)

    Legal and Policy Infrastructures of Returns in Germany Country Dossier WP2 Authors Katja Mielke Zeynep Sahin Mencütek Daphne Wolf Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies D21 February 2024 Cofunded by Deliverable information Project acronym Project no WP Deliverable title Deliverable type Version Date Responsible partners Authors Diss level Decentring the Study of Migrant Returns and Readmission Policies in Europe and Beyond 101094341 2 Germany Country Report R Document report v3 0...
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  • [PDF Document] bicc_annual_report_2009_2010.pdf   (1.75 MB)

    Annual Report 20092010 Jahresbericht 20092010 Project leader Susanne Heinke Authors Marc von Boemcken Peter J Croll Michael Dedek Peter Gottwald Jan Grebe Lena Guesnet Susanne Heinke Elvan Isikozlu WolfChristian Paes Clara SchmitzPranghe Andrea Warnecke Lars Wirkus Editor Susanne Heinke Translations Lynn Benstead English Heike Webb GermanEnglish Layout Katharina Moraht Editorial deadline 28 May 2010 Contributions to the Annual Report 20092010 Director Peter J Croll Editor Susanne ...
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  • [PDF Document] paper39.pdf   (240.71 KB)

    paper 39 External Actors in Stateless Somalia A War Economy and its Promoters External actors in stateless Somalia A war economy and its promoters by Sabrina GrosseKettler Published by BICC Bonn 2004 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde External actors in stateless Somalia Preface Somalia is usually seen as the ultimate example of state failure In We...
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  • [PDF Document] Small_Arms_and_Light_Weapons_SALW_Transfers_TRAINEE.pdf   (1.69 MB)

    Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW Transfer Controls Commonwealth of Australia 2005 Image used with permission for illustrative purposes only Bonn International Center for Conversion is not a supplier to the Australian Department of Defence module SAT 06B02 Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW Transfer Controls written by Mike Bourne Centre for International Cooperation and Security University of Bradford UK and the TRESA team module SAT 06B02 TRESA modules are produced by the Bonn Internation...
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  • [PDF Document] bicc_workingpaper_ENGL_RZ_FINAL_webversion.pdf   (1.24 MB)

    2015 Civilian Arms Registration and Marking Handbook Nikhil Acharya with Nikkie Wiegink and Salah Idriss 201 2015 CIVILIAN ARMS REGISTRATION AND MARKINGA HANDBOOK CONTENTS 1 Introduction 4 2 What is Arms Registration and Marking 6 21 What is Marking 22 What is Registration and Recordkeeping 6 7 3 Designing Arms Registration and Marking Programmes 31 Preconditions Before Starting an ARM Programme 32 The Action Plan 321 Aligning Activities and Goals of an ARM Programme A Practical Guid...
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  • [PDF Document] How_can_the_Humanitarian-Development-Peace_Nexus_work_from_the_bottom_up.pdf   (3.69 MB)

    report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 4 The research ...
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  • [PDF Document] 20240115_HDP_Titles.pdf   (3.81 MB)

    report Marie MüllerKoné Esther Meininghaus Birgit Kemmerling Boubacar Haidara How can the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Work from the Bottom Up A Discussion Paper on Implementation Challenges from a Decolonial Perspective Insights from Iraq Mali and South Sudan The HDP nexus approach has so far failed to deliver on the promise of a bottomup approach We discuss why A localisation approach runs the risk of reproducing existing power imbalances rather than overcoming them 4 The research ...
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